Interface CacheInvalidationListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
Cache, CacheListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArchetypeManager, CacheRegistryImpl, ClusterCacheListener, ExpressionFactory, FunctionLibraryManager, GuiProfiledPrincipalManagerImpl, RepositoryCache, SchemaCache, SystemConfigurationCacheAdapter, SystemObjectCache, TriggerCreatorGlobalState

public interface CacheInvalidationListener
  • Method Details

    • getEventSpecifications

    • invalidate

      <O extends ObjectType> void invalidate(Class<O> type, String oid, boolean clusterwide, CacheInvalidationContext context)
      Invalidates given object(s) in all relevant caches.
      type - Type of object (null means all types).
      oid - OID of object (null means all object(s) of given type(s)).
      clusterwide - Whether to distribute this event clusterwide.
      context - Context of the invalidation request (optional).