ActionExpressionType |
Executes a given action (add, modify, delete, enable, disable, assign, ...)
ActionParameterValueType |
Value of a parameter for an action.
ExecuteScriptOutputType |
Output of a single script execution.
ExecuteScriptType |
Java class for ExecuteScriptType complex type.
ExpressionPipelineType |
Pipeline of expressions - they are executed one after another,
input sent to the pipeline as a whole is sent to the first expression.
ExpressionSequenceType |
Sequence of command expressions - they are executed one after another,
input sent to the sequence as a whole is then sent individually
to each expression.
FilterContentExpressionType |
Keeps/removes selected items from the input value.
FilterExpressionType |
Filters input on a given condition.
ForeachExpressionType |
Executes a given command individually for each item arriving at the input.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.scripting_3 package.
PipelineDataType |
Java class for PipelineDataType complex type.
PipelineItemType |
Java class for PipelineItemType complex type.
ScriptingExpressionEvaluationOptionsType |
Options related to evaluation of scripting expression.
ScriptingExpressionType |
Root of the expression type inheritance hierarchy.
ScriptingVariableDefinitionType |
Definition of a scripting variable.
ScriptingVariablesDefinitionType |
Definition of scripting variables.
SearchExpressionType |
Queries the model for objects of a given type, optionally fulfilling given condition.
SelectExpressionType |
Select given item.
ValueListType |
Java class for ValueListType complex type.