Class OperationExecutionRecorderForTasks

  • @Component
    public class OperationExecutionRecorderForTasks
    extends Object
    Prepares complex OperationExecutionType records for search-iterative and live-sync/async-update tasks. Uses OperationExecutionWriter for the actual writing of the records.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OperationExecutionRecorderForTasks

        public OperationExecutionRecorderForTasks()
    • Method Detail

      • recordOperationExecution

        public void recordOperationExecution​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull OperationExecutionRecorderForTasks.Target target,
                                             @NotNull RunningTask task,
                                             @NotNull ActivityPath activityPath,
                                             @NotNull OperationResult resultToRecord,
                                             @NotNull OperationResult result)
        Writes an operation execution record.
        target - Where to write the record to.
        task - Related task. It could be any task that has the correct root task OID filled-in.
        activityPath - Path of the related activity.
        resultToRecord - This is the result that we want to write to the object (i.e. it must have already computed status and message
        result - This is the result we use for our own writing operations. TODO implement redirection also for (rightfully) deleted objects? Currently deleteOk=true means no exception is propagated from the writer. Overall, it is questionable if we want to write such information at all. TODO move redirection to the writer level?