CandidateOwner |
A candidate owner along with its confidence value (a number between 0 and 1, inclusive).
CandidateOwnersMap |
CompositeCorrelationExplanation |
CompositeCorrelationExplanation.ChildCorrelationExplanationRecord |
CorrelationExplanation |
Describes how the correlator (could) came to a given candidate owner, and the specific confidence value of it.
CorrelationExplanation.GenericCorrelationExplanation |
This is for correlators that support candidate check (i.e., determining confidence for the provided candidate)
but do not provide any the specific explanations of their decisions.
CorrelationExplanation.UnsupportedCorrelationExplanation |
This is for correlators that do not support neither explanation nor candidate check (i.e., determining confidence
for the provided candidate).
CorrelationResult |
Result of the correlation at the level of Correlator , i.e.
CorrelatorConfiguration |
Wrapper for both typed (bean-only) and untyped (bean + item name) correlator configuration.
CorrelatorConfiguration.TypedCorrelationConfiguration |
CorrelatorConfiguration.UntypedCorrelationConfiguration |
CorrelatorContext<C extends AbstractCorrelatorType> |
Overall context in which the correlator works.
ItemsCorrelationExplanation |