Name | Type | Multiplicity | Description |
name |
property string |
[0,1] | Free-form name. |
description |
property string |
[0,1] | Free-form textual description of the object. |
documentation |
property string |
[0,1] | Technical documentation for a particular object or construct. |
objectClass |
property QName |
[0,1] | Object class that will be processed by this definition. |
kind |
property ShadowKindType |
[0,1] | Shadow kind assumed by this definition. |
intent |
property string |
[0,1] | Shadow intent assumed by this definition. |
focusType |
property QName |
[0,1] | Type of the focus that would be applied to this type. |
enabled |
property boolean |
[0,1] | Flag indicating if this synchronization specification is enabled. |
condition |
property ExpressionType |
[0,1] | Expression that is evaluated to check whether this definition is applicable to a particular shadow. |
correlation |
property ConditionalSearchFilterType |
[0,-1] | Correlation filter expression. |
confirmation |
property ExpressionType |
[0,1] | Confirmation expression. |
correlationDefinition |
container LegacyCorrelationDefinitionType |
[0,1] | Definition of the correlation process. |
objectTemplateRef |
reference ObjectReferenceType |
[0,1] | Object template used in case the midPoint (focus) objects are created or modified. |
reconcile |
property boolean |
[0,1] | If set to true, applicable synchronization reactions will attempt to reconcile the real attributes from the resource with the state of the midPoint repository. |
limitPropagation |
property boolean |
[0,1] | If set to true, applicable synchronization reactions will propagate changes only form/to source resource. |
opportunistic |
property boolean |
[0,1] | If set to true midPoint will try to link and synchronize objects whenever possible. |
reaction |
property LegacySynchronizationReactionType |
[0,-1] | Definition of a synchronization reaction. |
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
Display order:
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
Display order:
Free-form textual description of the object. It is supposed to describe
the object or a construct that it is attached to.
This information may be presented to midPoint users, even to ordinary end users.
For example role description may be presented to users when they are selecting
roles to request. Therefore the description should be written in a language that
the users can understand.
Description is assumed to be a plan, non-formatted text.
Amount of white space is considered insignificant. E.g. leading and trailing
white space may be skipped, multiple spaces can be collapsed to one and so on.
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
Display order:
Technical documentation for a particular object or construct.
The purpose of this element is to document system configuration and behavior.
The documentation will not be presented to end users. In fact, it will probably
not be presented at all in midPoint user interface. This documentation element
is supposed to be a part of the technical documentation of midPoint deployment.
The tools than generate deployment configuration will look for these elements
and combine them to compiled documentation document.
AsciiDoc formatting is assumed for this element. Any leading or trailing
whitespace is skipped. Indentation equivalent to he indentation of the first
non-blank line of text is also skipped.
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime,AVals:4
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
Display order:
Flag indicating if this synchronization specification is enabled. If it is not,
then the system will ignore this definition.
If enabled, the synchronization should start with most recent change
after enabling synchronization. It will NOT pull in even the changes that
were done during disabled synchronization.
If this flag is not present the synchronization is assumed to be enabled.
This flag is meant to act as a tool to temporarily disable synchronization without losing the
configuration and state or for forcing the synchronization engine to "skip" some changes.
Note that this is different from disabling/deleting the synchronization task. If the task
is stopped, midPoint will not poll for changes at all. This means that the changes will
still be "pending" on the resource and once the task is enabled it will pull such changes.
On the other hand, disabling synchronization using this flag and leaving the task running will
"acknowledge" all changes without doing anything.
Also note that disabling synchronization using this flag will disable all the flavors, e.g.
it will also disable import from resource.
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
Display order:
Expression that is evaluated to check whether this definition is applicable to
a particular shadow. It is assumed to return a boolean value. If it returns 'true'
then the shadow will be processed by this definition. If it returns 'false' it will
not be processed.
If no condition is present then all applicable shadows will be processed.
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,-1]
Display order:
Correlation filter expression. Running the query should return a list of candidate focus
entries that may be owners of a particular shadow.
Correlation is an rough but an efficient way how to relate the shadow (e.g. an account)
to a focus (e.g. an user). The correlation expression is in fact just a search filter that can
contain expressions inside it. If correlation search returns more that one entry,
confirmation expression will be executed for each of them.
The filter in this case is conditional, i.e. there can be specified an expression
that denotes a necessary condition for the filter to be applied.
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
Display order:
Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
Display order:
Flags: RAM
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,1]
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Flags: RAM,runtime
Multiplicity: [0,-1]
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