Class KeyStoreBasedProtectorImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
KeyStoreBasedProtector, Protector

public class KeyStoreBasedProtectorImpl extends BaseProtector implements KeyStoreBasedProtector
Class that manages encrypted and hashed values. Java Cryptography Extension is needed because this class is using AES-256 for encrypting/decrypting xml data.
Radovan Semancik, lazyman
  • Constructor Details

    • KeyStoreBasedProtectorImpl

      public KeyStoreBasedProtectorImpl()
    • KeyStoreBasedProtectorImpl

      public KeyStoreBasedProtectorImpl(KeyStoreBasedProtectorBuilder builder)
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init()
      SystemException - if jceks keystore is not available on getKeyStorePath()
    • getRequestedJceProviderName

      public String getRequestedJceProviderName()
    • setRequestedJceProviderName

      public void setRequestedJceProviderName(String requestedJceProviderName)
    • getEncryptionAlgorithm

      public String getEncryptionAlgorithm()
    • setEncryptionAlgorithm

      public void setEncryptionAlgorithm(String encryptionAlgorithm)
    • decryptBytes

      protected <T> byte[] decryptBytes(ProtectedData<T> protectedData) throws SchemaException, EncryptionException
      Specified by:
      decryptBytes in class BaseProtector
    • encrypt

      public <T> void encrypt(ProtectedData<T> protectedData) throws EncryptionException
      Specified by:
      encrypt in interface Protector
    • getSecretKeyDigest

      @Deprecated public String getSecretKeyDigest(SecretKey key) throws EncryptionException
      TODO remove, used only in midpoint ninja cmd tool, not part of API
      Specified by:
      getSecretKeyDigest in interface KeyStoreBasedProtector
    • getTrustManagers

      public List<TrustManager> getTrustManagers()
      Description copied from interface: Protector
      Returns a list of trust managers that will be used to validate communicating party credentials. (e.g. used to validate remote connector connections).
      Specified by:
      getTrustManagers in interface Protector
    • getKeyStore

      public KeyStore getKeyStore()
      Specified by:
      getKeyStore in interface Protector
    • setEncryptionKeyAlias

      public void setEncryptionKeyAlias(String encryptionKeyAlias)
      encryptionKeyAlias - Alias of the encryption key SecretKey which is used for encryption
      IllegalArgumentException - if encryption key digest is null or empty string
    • setKeyStorePassword

      public void setKeyStorePassword(String keyStorePassword)
    • setKeyStorePath

      public void setKeyStorePath(String keyStorePath)
    • getKeyStorePath

      public String getKeyStorePath()
      Specified by:
      getKeyStorePath in interface KeyStoreBasedProtector
    • setFixedSalt

      public void setFixedSalt(String fixedSalt)
      Sets the fixed salt value, used for all salt-hashed values. WARNING: USE OF FIXED SALT IS DANGEROUS. Fixed salt makes all the salting ineffective. DO NOT USE unless you really know what you are doing, and if you want to sacrifice security for convenience. Fixed salt was implemented to allow new scenarios when using hashed password storage.
    • hash

      public <T> void hash(ProtectedData<T> protectedData) throws EncryptionException, SchemaException
      Specified by:
      hash in interface Protector
    • compareCleartext

      public boolean compareCleartext(ProtectedStringType a, ProtectedStringType b) throws EncryptionException, SchemaException
      Description copied from interface: Protector
      Compare cleartext values protected inside the protected strings.

      This method only deals with the equality of the original values (cleartext). If the two protected strings are representation of the same value then true value is returned. In all other cases false value is returned.

      Please note that some cases are not decidable. For example it may not be possible to compare two hashed values, e.g. in case that they are using different salt values. SchemaException is thrown in that case.

      This method does not deal with any details about the protection. It just deals with equality of the values. E.g. if encrypted and hashed version of the same value is compared, this method returns true. This is ideal for use cases such as checking equality of a password during authentication. But it is not the right algorithm for data management purposes. E.g. it will provide bad results if it is used to decide whether a particular value should be replaced with a new value in a data store. Please see areEquivalent() method.

      Specified by:
      compareCleartext in interface Protector
      See Also:
    • areEquivalent

      public boolean areEquivalent(ProtectedStringType a, ProtectedStringType b)
      Description copied from interface: Protector
      Decides equivalence of two protected data objects (for data management purposes).

      The concept of equivalence is a very tricky one when it comes to protected (encrypted and hashed) data. We want to compare the original values (cleartext) and not the bytes that are a product of encryption (ciphertext). As many ciphers have randomized initialization vectors, encrypting the same cleartext will produce different ciphertext. Therefore we cannot rely on equality of ciphertexts. On the other hand, we want to allow re-keying. Therefore protected data types that are produced from the same cleartext may still be non-equivalent if a different key was used to create them. Otherwise we want be able to change the key, as the value with old key will be considered equivalent and it may never get replaced.

      And all of that is further complicated with hashing. Hash algorithms are often salted, therefore we cannot rely on comparing just the hashes. The situation is a bit easier here as we do not need to deal with the key, but on the other hand we do not have access to a cleartext at all. Therefore all we can do is to look at hashed values and suffer re-salting all the time. But it is better than the alternative, which means never be able to change hashed value. If any more intelligent behavior is expected, it has to be implemented in higher layers of the system where we still have at least one unhashed clear value available.

      This method is designed for data management purposes. E.g. it can be used to decide whether to replace certain value in a data store. This method is not suitable for all purposes. E.g. it should NOT be used for password management. This method may return false even if the cleartext in two protected strings is the same, e.g. in case that one is encrypted and the other is hashed. For that purpose see the compareCleartext method.

      Specified by:
      areEquivalent in interface Protector
      See Also:
    • isEncryptedByCurrentKey

      public boolean isEncryptedByCurrentKey(@NotNull @NotNull EncryptedDataType data) throws EncryptionException
      Specified by:
      isEncryptedByCurrentKey in interface Protector