Package com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens
package com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens
ClassDescriptionWhen new assignments are being created (either as part of focus "add" or "modify" operation), we need to know their PCV IDs beforehand.ChangeExecutionResult<O extends ObjectType>Various information related to the execution of changes in an execution wave.Executes precomputed changes.The "clockwork" that drives the change processing.Audit-related responsibilities during clockwork processing.ClockworkClick<F extends ObjectType>Represents and executes a single clockwork click.Resolves conflicts occurring during clockwork processing (multiple threads modifying the same focus).Responsible for invoking hooks (both Java and scripting ones).Authorizes clockwork requests.TODO better name An expected conflict was detected by repository, throwing
.Just a marker interface for now, reminding us that there seems to be a repeated pattern of "delta execution preprocessors" (currentlyOperationalDataManager
, andIndexingManager
) that tweak the deltas before they are executed.FailableLensFunction<T,R> IvwoConsolidator<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>, I extends ItemValueWithOrigin<V, D>> Consolidate the output of mappings for a single item to a delta.IvwoConsolidatorBuilder<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>, I extends ItemValueWithOrigin<V, D>> LensContext<F extends ObjectType>LensContextPlaceholder<F extends ObjectType>This class does nothing.LensElementContext<O extends ObjectType>Lens context for a computation element - a focus or a projection.LensElementContext.DeltaModifier<O extends Objectable>Currently, just a single-use interface forLensElementContext.modifyPrimaryDelta(DeltaModifier)
method.Helps with evaluating expressions during the "lens" execution.LensFocusContext<O extends ObjectType>Metadata-related utility methods.LensObjectDeltaOperation<T extends ObjectType>LensOwnerResolver<F extends ObjectType>Collects [evaluated] assignments during login process.ObjectDeltaWaves<O extends ObjectType>Secondary deltas from already completed waves.ObjectDeltaWaves.WaveDelta<O extends ObjectType>Delta for a specific execution wave.Manages metadata (mostly before delta execution), but also some other operational data, namely assignment effective status.Runs persona-related changes after the primary operation is all done.Context related to evaluation and processing of policy rules.Runnable with proper set of exceptions that fit running of projector components.RememberedElementState<O extends ObjectType>Element state that we can return to e.g.