Interface DetectionOperation

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DetectionOperation
The `DetectionOperation` interface defines the operations required for performing pattern detection within the role analysis process. Implementations of this interface are responsible for detecting patterns within the analyzed data based on user-based or role-based detection criteria.
  • Method Details

    • performDetection

      @NotNull <T extends MiningBaseTypeChunk> @NotNull List<DetectedPattern> performDetection(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProcessModeType processMode, @NotNull @NotNull List<T> miningBaseTypeChunks, @NotNull @NotNull DetectionOption detectionOption, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProgressIncrement handler)
      Performs pattern detection using the provided mining role type chunks, detection options, progress increment handler and process mode.
      processMode - The mode specifying whether the process is user-based or role-based.
      miningBaseTypeChunks - The mining structure type chunks to analyze.
      detectionOption - The detection options to configure the detection process.
      handler - The progress increment handler for tracking the detection process.
      A list of detected patterns based on provided detection criteria.