All Superinterfaces:
DebugDumpable, Serializable, ShortDumpable
All Known Subinterfaces:
AccessCertificationEvent, ActivityEvent, ActivityRealizationCompleteEvent, CaseEvent, CaseManagementEvent, CertCampaignEvent, CertCampaignStageEvent, CertReviewEvent, CustomEvent, ModelEvent, PolicyRuleEvent, ReportOutputCreatedEvent, ResourceObjectEvent, TaskEvent

public interface Event extends DebugDumpable, ShortDumpable, Serializable
Notification event that should be propagated, filtered, externalized (typically to ascii or html), and send out.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      @NotNull @NotNull LightweightIdentifier getId()
      Randomly generated event ID. It is immutable.
    • getRequester

      SimpleObjectRef getRequester()
      Entity that requested the operation that resulted in the event being generated. May be null if unknown.
    • getRequesterOid

      default String getRequesterOid()
      OID of the requester
    • getRequestee

      SimpleObjectRef getRequestee()
      Entity that is the object of this event or the "owner" of the object of this event. Typically it is the user that we'd like to send the notification to. For example: - for model notifications: the focal object - for resource object (account) notifications: resource object (account) owner - workflow notifications: the object of the approval case - certification notifications: campaign owner or reviewer (depending on the kind of event) May be null if unknown.
    • requesteeIs

      default boolean requesteeIs(Class<?> type)
      true if requestee is of give type
    • requesteeIsUser

      default boolean requesteeIsUser()
    • getRequesteeObject

      ObjectType getRequesteeObject()
      resolved requestee object (or null)
    • getRequesteeDisplayName

      PolyStringType getRequesteeDisplayName()
      display name of the requestee (or null)
    • getRequesteeOid

      default String getRequesteeOid()
      OID of the requestee
    • isStatusType

      boolean isStatusType(EventStatusType eventStatus)
      true if the status of the operation that caused this event corresponds to the specified one
    • isOperationType

      boolean isOperationType(EventOperationType eventOperation)
      true if the type of the operation that caused this event corresponds to the specified one
    • isCategoryType

      boolean isCategoryType(EventCategoryType eventCategory)
      true if the category of the event matches the specified one
    • isUserRelated

      boolean isUserRelated()
      true if the object of the event is of UserType Currently applies only to ModelEvent and CustomEvent. TODO specify semantics of this method more precisely; see also MID-4598
    • isAccountRelated

      @Deprecated default boolean isAccountRelated()
    • isWorkItemRelated

      default boolean isWorkItemRelated()
    • isWorkflowProcessRelated

      @Deprecated default boolean isWorkflowProcessRelated()
    • isWorkflowRelated

      @Deprecated default boolean isWorkflowRelated()
    • isPolicyRuleRelated

      default boolean isPolicyRuleRelated()
    • isCertCampaignStageRelated

      default boolean isCertCampaignStageRelated()
    • isAdd

      default boolean isAdd()
    • isModify

      default boolean isModify()
    • isDelete

      default boolean isDelete()
    • isSuccess

      default boolean isSuccess()
    • isAlsoSuccess

      default boolean isAlsoSuccess()
    • isFailure

      default boolean isFailure()
    • isOnlyFailure

      default boolean isOnlyFailure()
    • isInProgress

      default boolean isInProgress()
    • isRelatedToItem

      default boolean isRelatedToItem(ItemPath itemPath)
      Checks if the event is related to an item with a given path. The meaning of the result depends on a kind of event (focal, resource object, workflow) and on operation (add, modify, delete). Namely, this method is currently defined for ADD and MODIFY (not for DELETE) operations, for focal and resource objects events (not for workflow ones). For MODIFY it checks whether an item with a given path is touched. For ADD it checks whether there is a value for an item with a given path in the object created. For unsupported events the method returns false. Paths are compared without taking ID segments into account. EXPERIMENTAL; does not always work (mainly for values being deleted)
    • getChannel

      String getChannel()
      channel that was used to initiate the operation that caused this event
    • getStatusAsText

      String getStatusAsText()
      textual representation of event status TODO consider what to do with this
    • getFocusPassword

      default String getFocusPassword()
      Returns plaintext focus password value, if known. Beware: might not always work correctly: 1. If the change execution was only partially successful, the value returned might or might not be stored in the repo 2. If the password was changed to null, the 'null' value is returned. So the caller cannot distinguish it from "no change" situation. A new method for this would be needed.