Interface SqlOrderableExpression

All Known Implementing Classes:
QAccessCertificationWorkItemReference, QAssignmentReference, QCaseWorkItemReference, QObjectReference, QProcessedObjectEventMarkReference, QReference

public interface SqlOrderableExpression
Special comparing expression that does not conform to ComparableExpressionBase, but we need to order by it for some reason. This is used as a support for iterative reference search, where we act like we're ordering by the table expression. Implementation of orderBy(com.querydsl.sql.SQLQuery<?>, com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.query.ObjectOrdering) than has to take care of the ordering and add necessary columns.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    orderBy(com.querydsl.sql.SQLQuery<?> sqlQuery, ObjectOrdering ordering)
  • Method Details

    • orderBy

      void orderBy(com.querydsl.sql.SQLQuery<?> sqlQuery, ObjectOrdering ordering)