Class ObjectDeltaCollectionsUtil


public class ObjectDeltaCollectionsUtil extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ObjectDeltaCollectionsUtil

      public ObjectDeltaCollectionsUtil()
  • Method Details

    • summarize

      @SafeVarargs public static <T extends Objectable> ObjectDelta<T> summarize(ObjectDelta<T>... deltas) throws SchemaException
      Returns a delta that is a "sum" of all the deltas in the collection. The deltas as processed as an ORDERED sequence. Therefore it correctly processes item overwrites and so on. It also means that if there is an ADD delta it has to be first.
    • summarize

      public static <T extends Objectable> ObjectDelta<T> summarize(List<ObjectDelta<T>> deltas) throws SchemaException
      Returns a delta that is a "sum" of all the deltas in the collection. The deltas as processed as an ORDERED sequence. Therefore it correctly processes item overwrites and so on. It also means that if there is an ADD delta it has to be first.
    • union

      public static <T extends Objectable> ObjectDelta<T> union(ObjectDelta<T>... deltas) throws SchemaException
      Union of several object deltas. The deltas are merged to create a single delta that contains changes from all the deltas. Union works on UNORDERED deltas.
    • checkConsistence

      public static void checkConsistence(Collection<? extends ObjectDelta<?>> deltas)