Package com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.api
package com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.api
ClassDescriptionTODOTODOSuggested configuration properties of connector.Dispatcher of change notifications.Externally-provided resource event.Generic indistinguishable error of a connector framework.Represents [live] synchronization change event obtained from a resource.Handles changes retrieved by
ProvisioningService#synchronize(ResourceShadowCoordinates, LiveSyncOptions, LiveSyncTokenStorage, LiveSyncEventHandler, Task, OperationResult)
method.Manages the storage of a live sync token.Client-provided context of a provisioning operation.Provisioning Service Interface * Status: public * Stability: STABLE, only compatible changes are expected This service retrieves information about resource objects and resources and handles changes to resource objects.Listens for notifications about resource object changes.Result of the object classification.Describes a change of a specific resource object together with definitions of the source and possibly also other information.Describes an attempt to apply a change to a specific resource object.Listens forResourceOperationDescription
events.Options forProvisioningService.testResource(String, Task, OperationResult)
operation.Whether capabilities and schema should be written back to the resource (into repository or in-memory version).Emitted when a shadow is converted from live to dead and then eventually to deleted.Listens for notifications about shadow death events i.e.Describes shadow liveness (or death) state.TODORepresents a synchronization change event (obtained typically by live synchronization or asynchronous update) that needs to be processed.SynchronizationEventHandler<E extends SynchronizationEvent>TODOTODO TODO include SynchronizationOperationResult?TODO