Interface ProcessedObject.ProcessedObjectItemDelta<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>>
- All Superinterfaces:
,D> PathVisitable
- Enclosing interface:
- ProcessedObject<O extends ObjectType>
public static interface ProcessedObject.ProcessedObjectItemDelta<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>>
extends ItemDelta<V,D>
augmented with functionality needed to display it in a complex way, for example,
with the information on real change(s) to the object.
Highly experimental, and currently not very sound. For example, the getRealValuesAfter()
may return values modified not by this delta. (Like when having `assignment`
ADD/DELETE delta accompanied with a couple of `assignment/[1]/activation/...` deltas.)-
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ItemDelta.Transformer<V extends PrismValue,
D extends ItemDefinition<?>> -
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DebugDumpable
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription@NotNull Set<? extends PrismValue>
Prism values of the corresponding item after execution of this delta; beware - may contain results of related deltas@NotNull Set<? extends PrismValue>
Prism values of the corresponding item before execution of this delta.@NotNull Collection<?>
Real values added by this delta.@NotNull Collection<?>
Real values of the corresponding item after execution of this delta; beware - may contain results of related deltas@NotNull Collection<?>
Real values of the corresponding item before execution of this delta.@NotNull Collection<?>
Real values deleted by this delta.@NotNull Set<?>
Real values modified by this delta - their identity is known by PCV ID.@NotNull Collection<?>
Real values unchanged by this delta.@Nullable AssignmentType
The state of the assignment pointed to by the delta of `assignment/[nn]/...` kind.@NotNull Collection<ProcessedObject.ValueWithState>
All values (added, deleted, modified) with the corresponding state.Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DebugDumpable
debugDump, debugDumpLazily, debugDumpLazily
Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.Freezable
checkImmutable, checkMutable, freeze
Methods inherited from interface
accept, accept, accept, addEstimatedOldValue, addEstimatedOldValues, addEstimatedOldValues, addsAnyValue, addsAnyValueMatching, addToReplaceDelta, addValuesToAdd, addValuesToAdd, addValuesToDelete, addValuesToDelete, addValueToAdd, addValueToDelete, addValueToReplace, applyDefinition, applyDefinition, applyResults, applyTo, applyTo, applyTo, applyToMatchingPath, applyTransformer, assertDefinitions, assertDefinitions, checkConsistence, checkConsistence, checkConsistence, clear, clearValuesToAdd, clearValuesToDelete, clearValuesToReplace, clone, cloneWithChangedParentPath, contains, contains, containsValueToAdd, containsValueToDelete, containsValueToReplace, createReverseDelta, debugDump, distributeReplace, equals, equivalent, filterValues, filterYields, findValueToAddOrReplace, foreach, getAnyValue, getDefinition, getElementName, getEstimatedOldValues, getItemClass, getItemNew, getItemNew, getItemNewMatchingPath, getNewValues, getParentPath, getPath, getRealValuesToAdd, getRealValuesToDelete, getRealValuesToReplace, getSubDelta, getValueChanges, getValues, getValuesToAdd, getValuesToDelete, getValuesToReplace, hasCompleteDefinition, isAdd, isApplicableTo, isDelete, isEmpty, isImmutable, isLiterallyEmpty, isMetadataRelated, isOperational, isRaw, isRedundant, isReplace, isValueToAdd, isValueToDelete, isValueToReplace, merge, mergeValuesToAdd, mergeValuesToAdd, mergeValuesToDelete, mergeValuesToDelete, mergeValuesToReplace, mergeValuesToReplace, mergeValueToAdd, mergeValueToDelete, mergeValueToReplace, narrow, normalize, removeValueToAdd, removeValueToDelete, removeValueToReplace, resetValuesToAdd, resetValuesToDelete, resetValuesToReplace, revive, setDefinition, setElementName, setEstimatedOldValues, setOriginTypeRecursive, setParentPath, setValuesToReplace, setValuesToReplace, setValueToReplace, setValueToReplace, simplify, size, toDeltaSetTriple, toString, validate, validate, validateValues, validateValues
Method Details
Real values of the corresponding item before execution of this delta. -
Prism values of the corresponding item before execution of this delta. -
Real values of the corresponding item after execution of this delta; beware - may contain results of related deltas -
Prism values of the corresponding item after execution of this delta; beware - may contain results of related deltas -
Real values added by this delta. (Phantom ones are filtered out.) -
Real values deleted by this delta. (Phantom ones are filtered out.) -
Real values modified by this delta - their identity is known by PCV ID. -
Real values unchanged by this delta. -
All values (added, deleted, modified) with the corresponding state. Modified values returned only for REPLACE deltas. -
The state of the assignment pointed to by the delta of `assignment/[nn]/...` kind.