Class ShadowsNormalizationUtil


public class ShadowsNormalizationUtil extends Object
TODO update this doc + consider renaming the class Repository shadows contain normalized attribute values. This class provides the necessary support for value normalization when storing the data and querying it.
  • Constructor Details

    • ShadowsNormalizationUtil

      public ShadowsNormalizationUtil()
  • Method Details

    • transformQueryValues

      @Contract("null, _ -> null; !null, _ -> !null") public static ObjectQuery transformQueryValues(ObjectQuery originalQuery, @NotNull @NotNull ResourceObjectDefinition objectDef)
      Visits the query and transforms the values according to defined normalization. This is because the repository shadows have attribute values stored in the normalization-aware form. Hence, when querying, we must query this (special) form. Does not modify input query, creates a clone instead.
      See Also: