
public final class QueryBuilder extends Object
Here is the language structure:
 Query ::= Filter? ('ASC(path)' | 'DESC(path)')* 'OFFSET(n)'? 'MAX-SIZE(n)'?

 Filter ::= 'ALL'
 | 'NONE'
 | 'NOT' Filter
 | Filter ('AND'|'OR') Filter
 | 'BLOCK' Filter? 'END-BLOCK'
 | 'TYPE(type)' Filter?
 | 'EXISTS(path)' Filter?
 | 'REF(path, values*?)' Filter?
 | 'REFERENCED-BY(class, path, relation?)' Filter?
 | 'OWNED-BY(class, path?)' Filter?
 | 'FULLTEXT(value)'
 | 'ITEM(path)' ValueComparisonCondition
 | 'ITEM(path)' ItemComparisonCondition 'ITEM(path)'
 | 'ITEM(path)' 'IS-NULL'
 | 'ID(values)'
 | 'OWNER-ID(values)'
 | OrgFilter

 ValueComparisonCondition ::= 'EQ(value)' | 'GT(value)' | 'GE(value)' | 'LT(value)' | 'LE(value)'
 | 'STARTS-WITH(value)' | 'ENDS-WITH(value)' | 'CONTAINS(value)'
 | 'REF(value)'
 | 'ORG(value)'

 ItemComparisonCondition ::= 'EQ' | 'GT' | 'GE' | 'LT' | 'LE'

 OrgFilter ::= 'IS-ROOT'
 | 'IS-DIRECT-CHILD-OF(value)'
 | 'IS-CHILD-OF(value)'
 | 'IS-PARENT-OF(value)'
 | 'IS-IN-SCOPE-OF(value, scope)'
It can be visualized e.g. using

Individual keywords ('AND', 'OR', 'BLOCK', ...) are mapped to methods. Connections between these keywords are mapped to interfaces. It can be viewed as interfaces = states, keywords = transitions. (Or vice versa, but this is more natural.) The interfaces have names starting with S_ (for "state").

Interfaces are implemented by classes that aggregate state of the query being created. This is quite hacked for now... to be implemented more seriously.