Package com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.projector
package com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.projector
ClassDescriptionThe processor that takes care of user activation mapping to an account (outbound direction).Describes assignment origin, namely: - if it's in object old, current, or in delta; - if it's virtual or not; - where it originated -
.ComplexConstructionConsumer<K,EC extends EvaluatedAbstractConstruction<?>> Names of projector/clockwork components invoked by medic.partialExecute method calls.Coverts delta set triples to secondary account deltas (before/after reconciliation)EvaluatedConstructionMappingExtractor<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>, AH extends AssignmentHolderType> Processor that evaluates values of the outbound mappings.Processor that determines values of account attributes.Projector recomputes the context.Marker interface for processors in Projector.Helps with the consolidation of attribute and auxiliary object class values.Processor that reconciles the computed account and the real account.ShadowConstraintsChecker<F extends FocusType>SmartAssignmentCollection<F extends AssignmentHolderType>Smart set of assignment values that keep track whether the assignment is new, old or changed.