Interface RoleAnalysisService

public interface RoleAnalysisService
  • Method Details

    • getUserTypeObject

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<UserType> getUserTypeObject(@NotNull @NotNull String oid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Retrieves a PrismObject of UserType object based on its OID.
      oid - The OID of the UserType object to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The PrismObject of UserType object, or null if not found.
    • getFocusTypeObject

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<FocusType> getFocusTypeObject(@NotNull @NotNull String oid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Retrieves a PrismObject of FocusType object based on its OID.
      oid - The OID of the FocusType object to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The PrismObject of FocusType object, or null if not found.
    • getRoleTypeObject

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<RoleType> getRoleTypeObject(@NotNull @NotNull String oid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Retrieves a PrismObject of RoleType object based on its OID.
      oid - The OID of the RoleType object to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The PrismObject of RoleType object, or null if not found.
    • getClusterTypeObject

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> getClusterTypeObject(@NotNull @NotNull String oid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Retrieves a PrismObject of RoleAnalysisClusterType object based on its OID.
      oid - The OID of the RoleAnalysisClusterType object to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The PrismObject of RoleAnalysisClusterType object, or null if not found.
    • getSessionTypeObject

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<RoleAnalysisSessionType> getSessionTypeObject(@NotNull @NotNull String oid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Retrieves a PrismObject of RoleAnalysisSessionType object based on its OID.
      oid - The OID of the RoleAnalysisSessionType object to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The PrismObject of RoleAnalysisSessionType object, or null if not found.
    • getObject

      @Nullable <T extends ObjectType> @Nullable PrismObject<T> getObject(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> objectTypeClass, @NotNull @NotNull String oid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Retrieves a PrismObject based on its OID.
      oid - The OID of the object to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The PrismObject of object, or null if not found.
    • countSessionTypeObjects

      @NotNull @NotNull Integer countSessionTypeObjects(@NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Retrieves the number of RoleAnalysisSessionType objects in the system.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The number of RoleAnalysisSessionType objects in the system.
    • extractUserTypeMembers

      @NotNull @NotNull<String,String> extractUserTypeMembers(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,PrismObject<UserType>> userExistCache, @Nullable @Nullable ObjectFilter userFilter, @NotNull @NotNull Set<String> clusterMembers, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Extracts a list of user members from set of RoleType object based on provided parameters.
      userExistCache - The cache of user objects.
      userFilter - The UserType filter.
      clusterMembers - The set of cluster members.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      A list of user members.
    • importCluster

      void importCluster(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> cluster, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisDetectionOptionType roleAnalysisSessionDetectionOption, @NotNull @NotNull ObjectReferenceType parentRef, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Imports a RoleAnalysisClusterType object into the system.
      cluster - The cluster for importing.
      roleAnalysisSessionDetectionOption - The session detection option.
      parentRef - The parent Role analysis session reference.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • updateSessionStatistics

      void updateSessionStatistics(@NotNull @NotNull ObjectReferenceType sessionRef, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisSessionStatisticType sessionStatistic, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Modifies statistics of a RoleAnalysisSessionType object.
      sessionRef - The session reference.
      sessionStatistic - The session statistic to modify.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • anylseAttributesAndReplaceDetectionPattern

      void anylseAttributesAndReplaceDetectionPattern(@NotNull @NotNull String clusterOid, @NotNull @NotNull List<DetectedPattern> detectedPatterns, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Replaces the detected patterns of a RoleAnalysisClusterType object.
      clusterOid - The cluster OID.
      detectedPatterns - The detected patterns to replace.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • getUpdatedAnalysisClusterStatistic

      @NotNull @NotNull AnalysisClusterStatisticType getUpdatedAnalysisClusterStatistic(double maxReduction, @NotNull @NotNull AnalysisClusterStatisticType clusterStatistics)
    • generateObjectReferences

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<ObjectReferenceType> generateObjectReferences(@NotNull @NotNull Set<String> objects, @NotNull @NotNull QName complexType, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult operationResult)
      Generates a set of object references based on a provided parameters.
      objects - The objects to create references for.
      complexType - The complex type of the objects.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      operationResult - The operation result.
      A set of object references.
    • deleteSessionClustersMembers

      void deleteSessionClustersMembers(@NotNull @NotNull String sessionOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Deletes all RoleAnalysisClusterType objects associated with a specific session.
      sessionOid - The session OID.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • deleteCluster

      void deleteCluster(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Deletes a single RoleAnalysisClusterType object.
      cluster - The cluster to delete.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • recomputeSessionStatics

      void recomputeSessionStatics(@NotNull @NotNull String sessionOid, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType roleAnalysisClusterType, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Recomputes the statistics of a RoleAnalysisSessionType object.
      sessionOid - The session OID.
      roleAnalysisClusterType - The cluster to recompute statistics for.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • countUserTypeMembers

      @NotNull @NotNull Integer countUserTypeMembers(@Nullable @Nullable ObjectFilter userFilter, @NotNull @NotNull String objectId, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Counts the number of members of a RoleType object.
      userFilter - The UserType filter.
      objectId - The OID of the RoleType object.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The number of user members of a RoleType object.
    • generateBusinessRole

      @NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleType> generateBusinessRole(@NotNull @NotNull Set<AssignmentType> assignmentTypes, @NotNull @NotNull PolyStringType name)
      Retrieves a RoleType object that represents a business role.
      assignmentTypes - The assignment types that represent inducements of the business role.
      name - The name of the business role.
      The PrismObject of RoleType object.
    • deleteSession

      void deleteSession(@NotNull @NotNull String sessionOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Deletes a single RoleAnalysisSessionType object.
      sessionOid - The role analysis session OID.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • resolveClusterOptionType

      RoleAnalysisOptionType resolveClusterOptionType(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> cluster, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Resolves the process mode of a RoleAnalysisClusterType object based on role analysis session.
      cluster - The cluster to resolve the process mode for.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      The resolved process mode.
    • recomputeClusterDetectionOptions

      void recomputeClusterDetectionOptions(@NotNull @NotNull String clusterOid, @NotNull @NotNull DetectionOption detectionOption, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Recompute the detection options of a RoleAnalysisClusterType object.
      clusterOid - The cluster OID.
      detectionOption - The detection option to recompute.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • clusterObjectMigrationRecompute

      void clusterObjectMigrationRecompute(@NotNull @NotNull String clusterRefOid, @NotNull @NotNull String roleRefOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Recompute role analysis cluster (RoleAnalysisClusterType) parameters. This method should be called after migration to business role.
      clusterRefOid - The cluster OID.
      roleRefOid - The role OID.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • prepareCompressedMiningStructure

      @NotNull @NotNull MiningOperationChunk prepareCompressedMiningStructure(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, boolean fullProcess, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProcessModeType processMode, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task)
      Method for preparing a compressed mining structure for role analysis.
      cluster - The cluster for which the mining structure is prepared.
      fullProcess - The full process flag. If true, the entire structure is prepared. If false, only a partial structure (members) is prepared.
      processMode - The process mode.
      result - The operation result.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      A MiningOperationChunk containing user and role chunks for further processing.
    • prepareMiningStructure

      @NotNull @NotNull MiningOperationChunk prepareMiningStructure(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, DisplayValueOption option, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProcessModeType processMode, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task)
      Method for preparing a mining structure for role analysis.
      cluster - The cluster for which the mining structure is prepared.
      option - The display value option.
      processMode - The process mode.
      result - The operation result.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      A MiningOperationChunk containing user and role chunks for further processing.
    • prepareExpandedMiningStructure

      @NotNull @NotNull MiningOperationChunk prepareExpandedMiningStructure(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, boolean fullProcess, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProcessModeType processMode, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @Nullable @Nullable DisplayValueOption option)
      Method for preparing an expanded mining structure for role analysis.
      cluster - The cluster for which the mining structure is prepared.
      fullProcess - The full process flag. If true, the entire structure is prepared. If false, only a partial structure (members) is prepared.
      processMode - The process mode.
      result - The operation result.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      option - The display value option.
      A MiningOperationChunk containing user and role chunks for further processing.
    • cacheRoleTypeObject

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<RoleType> cacheRoleTypeObject(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,PrismObject<RoleType>> roleExistCache, @NotNull @NotNull String roleOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @Nullable @Nullable RoleAnalysisCacheOption option)
      Retrieves a RoleType PrismObject from a cache or, if not present, fetches it from the ModelService and stores it in the cache.
      roleExistCache - A cache storing previously fetched RoleType PrismObjects.
      roleOid - The OID of the RoleType PrismObject to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with the operation.
      result - The operation result.
      option - The cache option.
      The RoleType PrismObject fetched from the cache or ModelService, or null if not found.
    • cacheUserTypeObject

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<UserType> cacheUserTypeObject(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,PrismObject<UserType>> userExistCache, @NotNull @NotNull String userOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @Nullable @Nullable RoleAnalysisCacheOption option)
      Retrieves a UserType PrismObject from a cache or, if not present, fetches it from the ModelService and stores it in the cache.
      userExistCache - A cache storing previously fetched UserType PrismObjects.
      userOid - The OID of the UserType PrismObject to retrieve.
      task - The task associated with the operation.
      result - The operation result.
      option - The cache option.
      The UserType PrismObject fetched from the cache or ModelService, or null if not found.
    • executeMigrationTask

      void executeMigrationTask(@NotNull @NotNull ModelInteractionService modelInteractionService, @NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> cluster, @NotNull @NotNull ActivityDefinitionType activityDefinition, @NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleType> roleObject, @Nullable @Nullable String taskOid, @Nullable @Nullable PolyStringType taskName, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      This method is used to execute a migration task. It replaces the role assignment with business role assignment.
      modelInteractionService - The model interaction service.
      cluster - The cluster under which the migration task is executed.
      activityDefinition - The activity definition.
      roleObject - The role object for migration.
      taskOid - The OID of the task.
      taskName - The name of the task.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • executeDetectionTask

      void executeDetectionTask(@NotNull @NotNull ModelInteractionService modelInteractionService, @NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> cluster, @Nullable @Nullable String taskOid, @Nullable @Nullable PolyStringType taskName, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, String state)
      This method is used to execute a detection task. Detected patterns are stored in the cluster.
      modelInteractionService - The model interaction service.
      cluster - The cluster under which the detection task is executed.
      taskOid - The OID of the task.
      taskName - The name of the task.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      state - Cluster operation state
    • executeClusteringTask

      void executeClusteringTask(@NotNull @NotNull ModelInteractionService modelInteractionService, @NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisSessionType> session, @Nullable @Nullable String taskOid, @Nullable @Nullable PolyStringType taskName, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull TaskType processingTask)
      This method is used to execute a clustering task. It creates a new cluster and stores it in the session.
      modelInteractionService - The model interaction service.
      session - The session under which the clustering task is executed.
      taskOid - The OID of the task.
      taskName - The name of the task.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
      processingTask -
    • updateClusterPatterns

      void updateClusterPatterns(@NotNull @NotNull String clusterRefOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      This method is used to update the cluster detected patterns. Currently, it is used to update the cluster detected patterns after the migration task in the cluster.
      clusterRefOid - The cluster OID.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • recomputeAndResolveClusterOpStatus

      @NotNull @NotNull String recomputeAndResolveClusterOpStatus(@NotNull @NotNull String clusterOid, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, boolean onlyStatusUpdate, @Nullable @Nullable ModelInteractionService modelInteractionService)
      Recompute and resolve the cluster operation status. This method also update the cluster operation status if detect some changes.
      clusterOid - The cluster for recompute and resolve.
      result - The operation result.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      onlyStatusUpdate - If set true pattern detection does not perform
      modelInteractionService - Model interactive service provider
      The cluster operation status.
    • recomputeAndResolveSessionOpStatus

      @NotNull @NotNull String recomputeAndResolveSessionOpStatus(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisSessionType> clusterPrismObject, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task)
      Recompute and resolve the cluster operation status. This method also update the cluster operation status if detect some changes.
      clusterPrismObject - The cluster for recompute and resolve.
      result - The operation result.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      The cluster operation status.
    • addCandidateRole

      void addCandidateRole(@NotNull @NotNull String clusterRefOid, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType candidateRole, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      This method is used to add candidate roles to the cluster.
      clusterRefOid - The cluster OID.
      candidateRole - The candidate role OID.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • recomputeAndResolveClusterCandidateRoleOpStatus

      @NotNull @NotNull String recomputeAndResolveClusterCandidateRoleOpStatus(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> clusterPrismObject, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType candidateRole, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task)
      Recomputes and resolves the operation status for the candidate role within the specified cluster.
      clusterPrismObject - PrismObject representing the role analysis cluster.
      candidateRole - RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType representing the candidate role.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
      task - Task used for executing the operation.
      A string representing the display status of the candidate role after recompute and resolution.
    • deleteSingleCandidateRole

      void deleteSingleCandidateRole(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> clusterPrism, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType candidateRoleBean, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task)
      Deletes a single candidate role from the specified role analysis cluster.
      clusterPrism - PrismObject representing the role analysis cluster.
      candidateRoleBean - RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType representing the candidate role to be deleted.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the deletion operation.
      task - Task used for executing the deletion operation.
    • setCandidateRoleOpStatus

      void setCandidateRoleOpStatus(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> clusterPrism, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType candidateRoleContainer, @NotNull @NotNull String taskOid, @Nullable @Nullable OperationResultStatusType operationResultStatusType, @Nullable @Nullable String message, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisOperation operationType, @Nullable @Nullable FocusType focus)
      Sets the operation status of a candidate role within the specified role analysis cluster.
      clusterPrism - PrismObject representing the role analysis cluster.
      candidateRoleContainer - RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType representing the candidate role container.
      taskOid - String representing the OID of the task associated with the operation status.
      operationResultStatusType - OperationResultStatusType representing the status of the operation.
      message - String containing the message associated with the operation status.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
      task - Task used for executing the operation.
      operationType - RoleAnalysisOperation representing the type of operation.
      focus - FocusType representing the focus type associated with the operation status.
    • executeChangesOnCandidateRole

      void executeChangesOnCandidateRole(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType> cluster, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType roleAnalysisCandidateRoleType, @NotNull @NotNull Set<PrismObject<UserType>> members, @NotNull @NotNull Set<AssignmentType> inducements, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Executes changes on the candidate role within the specified role analysis cluster.
      cluster - PrismObject representing the role analysis cluster.
      roleAnalysisCandidateRoleType - RoleAnalysisCandidateRoleType representing the candidate role container.
      members - Set of PrismObject representing the members to be assigned to the candidate role.
      inducements - Set of AssignmentType representing the inducements to be added to the candidate role.
      task - Task used for executing the operation.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
    • loadSearchObjectIterative

      <T extends ObjectType> void loadSearchObjectIterative(@NotNull @NotNull ModelService modelService, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> type, @Nullable @Nullable ObjectQuery query, @Nullable @Nullable Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options, @NotNull @NotNull List<T> modifyList, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult parentResult)
      Loads objects iteratively from the repository based on the provided query and adds them to the modifyList if they are not already present.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Generic type extending ObjectType representing the type of objects to be loaded.
      modelService - ModelService used for loading the objects from the repository.
      type - Class representing the type of objects to be loaded.
      query - ObjectQuery specifying the conditions for searching the objects. Can be null.
      options - Collection of SelectorOptions specifying additional options for the search operation. Can be null.
      modifyList - List of loaded objects will be added. Objects already present in this list will be skipped.
      task - Task used for executing the search operation.
      parentResult - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
    • userTypeAttributeAnalysis

      List<AttributeAnalysisStructure> userTypeAttributeAnalysis(@NotNull @NotNull Set<PrismObject<UserType>> prismUsers, Double membershipDensity, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributeDefSet)
      Performs attribute analysis for user objects.
      prismUsers - Set of PrismObject representing user objects to analyze.
      membershipDensity - The density of membership.
      task - Task used for processing the attribute analysis.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
      attributeDefSet - List of RoleAnalysisAttributeDef containing the attribute definitions for user analysis.
      List of AttributeAnalysisStructure containing the results of the attribute analysis.
    • roleTypeAttributeAnalysis

      List<AttributeAnalysisStructure> roleTypeAttributeAnalysis(@NotNull @NotNull Set<PrismObject<RoleType>> prismRoles, Double membershipDensity, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributeRoleDefSet)
      Performs attribute analysis for role objects.
      prismRoles - Set of PrismObject representing role objects to analyze.
      membershipDensity - The density of membership.
      task - Task used for processing the attribute analysis.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
      attributeRoleDefSet - List of RoleAnalysisAttributeDef containing the attribute definitions for role analysis.
      List of AttributeAnalysisStructure containing the results of the attribute analysis.
    • roleMembersAttributeAnalysis

      List<AttributeAnalysisStructure> roleMembersAttributeAnalysis(@NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributeDefSet, @NotNull @NotNull String objectOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Performs attribute analysis for role members.
      attributeDefSet - List of RoleAnalysisAttributeDef containing the attribute definitions for analysis.
      objectOid - The OID of the object to analyze.
      task - Task used for processing the attribute analysis.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
      List of AttributeAnalysisStructure containing the results of the attribute analysis.
    • userRolesAttributeAnalysis

      List<AttributeAnalysisStructure> userRolesAttributeAnalysis(@NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributeRoleDefSet, @NotNull @NotNull String objectOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Performs attribute analysis for user roles.
      attributeRoleDefSet - List of RoleAnalysisAttributeDef containing the attribute definitions for role analysis.
      objectOid - The OID of the object to analyze.
      task - Task used for processing the attribute analysis.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation.
      List of AttributeAnalysisStructure containing the results of the attribute analysis.
    • resolveDetectedPatternsAttributes

      void resolveDetectedPatternsAttributes(@NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisDetectionPatternType> detectedPatterns, @NotNull @NotNull Map<String,PrismObject<UserType>> userExistCache, @NotNull @NotNull Map<String,PrismObject<RoleType>> roleExistCache, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributeRoleDefSet, @NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributeUserDefSet)
      Processes attribute analysis for the detected patterns. This method analyzes attribute usage patterns for both users and roles in the detected patterns. It retrieves user and role occupancy information from the detected patterns, then performs attribute analysis for both user and role types based on the specified attribute paths.
      detectedPatterns - List of detected patterns to process.
      userExistCache - Map containing cached PrismObject of UserType for efficient retrieval.
      roleExistCache - Map containing cached PrismObject of RoleType for efficient retrieval.
      task - Task used for processing the attribute analysis.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation. Any errors or status information will be recorded here.
      attributeRoleDefSet - List of RoleAnalysisAttributeDef containing the attribute definitions for role analysis.
      attributeUserDefSet - List of RoleAnalysisAttributeDef containing the attribute definitions for user analysis.
    • searchSessionClusters

      List<PrismObject<RoleAnalysisClusterType>> searchSessionClusters(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisSessionType session, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Searches for clusters associated with a specific role analysis session.
      session - RoleAnalysisSessionType representing the session for which clusters are being searched.
      task - Task used for executing the search operation.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the search operation. Any errors or status information will be recorded here.
      List of PrismObject containing the clusters associated with the session. If the search operation fails or no clusters are found, null is returned.
    • resolveFocusObjectIconColor

      String resolveFocusObjectIconColor(@NotNull @NotNull FocusType focusObject, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Resolves the focus object icon color based on the provided focus object archetype.
      focusObject - FocusType representing the focus object for which the icon color is being resolved.
      task - Task used for resolving the icon color.
      result - OperationResult containing the result of the operation. Any errors or status information will be recorded here.
      String representing the icon color of the focus object.
    • countObjects

      <T extends ObjectType> Integer countObjects(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> type, @Nullable @Nullable ObjectQuery query, @Nullable @Nullable Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult parentResult)
      Retrieves the attribute definition for a specific attribute path.
      type - The type of object for which the attribute definition is being retrieved.
      query - The query specifying the conditions for searching the object.
      options - Collection of SelectorOptions specifying additional options for the search operation.
      task - Task used for executing the search operation.
      parentResult - OperationResult containing the result of the search operation.
      RoleAnalysisAttributeDef containing the attribute definition for the specified attribute path.
    • calculateAttributeConfidence

      String calculateAttributeConfidence(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProcessModeType processModeType, @NotNull @NotNull AnalysisClusterStatisticType clusterStatistics)
      Calculates the confidence of an attribute based on the specified process mode and cluster statistics.
      processModeType - The process mode type.
      clusterStatistics - The cluster statistics.
      String representing the calculated attribute confidence.
    • resolveAnalysisAttributes

      @Nullable @Nullable List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> resolveAnalysisAttributes(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisSessionType session, @NotNull @NotNull QName complexType)
      Resolves the analysis attributes based on the provided session and complex type.
      session - The RoleAnalysisSessionType object that contains the analysis options.
      complexType - The QName object that represents the complex type of the attribute.
      A list of RoleAnalysisAttributeDef objects that match the provided complex type. Returns null if no matching attributes are found or if the analysis option or process mode is not set in the session.
    • importOutlier

      void importOutlier(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisOutlierType outlier, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Imports a RoleAnalysisOutlierType object into the system.
      outlier - The outlier for importing.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The operation result.
    • resolveUserAttributes

      RoleAnalysisAttributeAnalysisResult resolveUserAttributes(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<UserType> prismUser, List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributesForUserAnalysis)
    • resolveSimilarAspect

      @Nullable @Nullable RoleAnalysisAttributeAnalysisResult resolveSimilarAspect(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisAttributeAnalysisResult compared, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisAttributeAnalysisResult comparison)
    • resolveRoleMembersAttribute

      RoleAnalysisAttributeAnalysisResult resolveRoleMembersAttribute(@NotNull @NotNull String objectOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> attributeDefSet)
    • resolveOutliersZScore

      <T extends MiningBaseTypeChunk> ZScoreData resolveOutliersZScore(@NotNull @NotNull List<T> data, double negativeThreshold, double positiveThreshold)
    • calculateZScore

      <T extends MiningBaseTypeChunk> double calculateZScore(@NotNull T data, ZScoreData zScoreData)
    • calculateZScoreConfidence

      <T extends MiningBaseTypeChunk> double calculateZScoreConfidence(@NotNull T item, ZScoreData zScoreData)
    • resolveRoleAttributes

      List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> resolveRoleAttributes(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisSessionType session)
    • resolveUserAttributes

      List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> resolveUserAttributes(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisSessionType session)
    • resolveUserValueToMark

      @Nullable @Nullable Set<String> resolveUserValueToMark(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<UserType> prismUser, @NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> itemDef)
    • resolveRoleValueToMark

      @Nullable @Nullable Set<String> resolveRoleValueToMark(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleType> prismRole, @NotNull @NotNull List<RoleAnalysisAttributeDef> itemDef)
      Resolve object attribute value.
      prismRole - The role object.
      itemDef - The attribute definition.
      Set of attribute values that role has.
    • resolveOutliers

      void resolveOutliers(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisOutlierType roleAnalysisOutlierType, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull String sessionOid)
      Resolves outliers for a given role analysis outlier type. This method retrieves the target object reference from the provided outlier type and performs the following steps: 1. Searches for existing outliers with the same target object reference. 2. If no outliers are found, imports the provided outlier. 3. If outliers are found, updates the existing outlier with new outlier descriptions and removes outdated descriptions.

      This method is responsible for handling exceptions that may occur during the process and logs errors accordingly.

      roleAnalysisOutlierType - The role analysis outlier type containing the outlier information.
      task - The task associated with the operation.
      result - The operation result.
      sessionOid - The OID of the session associated with the outlier.
    • findTopPatters

      @NotNull @NotNull List<DetectedPattern> findTopPatters(@NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Search for the top detected patterns over all clusters
      task - the task
      result - the operation result
    • replaceSessionMarkRef

      void replaceSessionMarkRef(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisSessionType> session, @NotNull @NotNull ObjectReferenceType newMarkRef, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task)
    • updateSessionMarkRef

      void updateSessionMarkRef(@NotNull @NotNull PrismObject<RoleAnalysisSessionType> session, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task)
    • deleteSessionTask

      void deleteSessionTask(@NotNull @NotNull String sessionOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
    • deleteSessionTask

      void deleteSessionTask(@NotNull @NotNull TaskType taskToDelete, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
    • getSessionTask

      @Nullable @Nullable PrismObject<TaskType> getSessionTask(@NotNull @NotNull String sessionOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
    • stopSessionTask

      void stopSessionTask(@NotNull @NotNull String sessionOid, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
    • getTopSessionPattern

      List<DetectedPattern> getTopSessionPattern(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisSessionType session, @NotNull @NotNull com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, boolean single)