Class RoleAnalysisTableCellFillResolver


public class RoleAnalysisTableCellFillResolver extends Object
Utility class for resolving cell colors and status in the context of role analysis tables.

This class provides utility methods for resolving cell colors, updating mining status, and initializing detection patterns for user-based and role-based role analysis tables.

  • Constructor Details

    • RoleAnalysisTableCellFillResolver

      public RoleAnalysisTableCellFillResolver()
  • Method Details

    • updateFrequencyBased

      public static <T extends MiningBaseTypeChunk> void updateFrequencyBased(@NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<T> rowModel, double minFrequency, double maxFrequency, boolean isOutlier)
      Update the mining DISABLE status for role-based analysis.
      rowModel - The model of the row to update.
      minFrequency - The minimum frequency threshold.
      maxFrequency - The maximum frequency threshold.
    • resolveCellTypeUserTable

      public static <T extends MiningBaseTypeChunk> boolean resolveCellTypeUserTable(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<MiningRoleTypeChunk>> cellItem, @NotNull @NotNull MiningRoleTypeChunk rowModel, @NotNull @NotNull MiningUserTypeChunk colModel, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.model.LoadableDetachableModel<Map<String,String>> colorLoadableMap)
      Resolve the cell color for role analysis table.
      rowModel - The row model (properties to compare).
      colModel - The column model (members to compare).
    • resolveCellTypeRoleTable

      public static <T extends MiningBaseTypeChunk> boolean resolveCellTypeRoleTable(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<MiningUserTypeChunk>> cellItem, @NotNull T rowModel, @NotNull T colModel, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.model.LoadableDetachableModel<Map<String,String>> colorLoadableMap)
    • initUserBasedDetectionPattern

      public static void initUserBasedDetectionPattern(@NotNull @NotNull PageBase pageBase, @NotNull @NotNull List<MiningUserTypeChunk> users, @NotNull @NotNull List<MiningRoleTypeChunk> roles, @NotNull @NotNull List<DetectedPattern> detectedPatterns, double minFrequency, double maxFrequency, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Initialize detection patterns for user-based analysis table.
      users - The list of user models.
      roles - The list of role models.
      detectedPatterns - The detected pattern.
      minFrequency - The minimum frequency threshold.
      maxFrequency - The maximum frequency threshold.
    • refreshCells

      public static void refreshCells(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProcessModeType processMode, @NotNull @NotNull List<MiningUserTypeChunk> users, @NotNull @NotNull List<MiningRoleTypeChunk> roles, double minFrequency, double maxFrequency)
    • initRoleBasedDetectionPattern

      public static void initRoleBasedDetectionPattern(@NotNull @NotNull PageBase pageBase, @NotNull @NotNull List<MiningUserTypeChunk> users, @NotNull @NotNull List<MiningRoleTypeChunk> roles, @NotNull @NotNull List<DetectedPattern> detectedPatterns, double minFrequency, double maxFrequency, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Initialize detection patterns for role-based analysis table.
      users - The list of user models.
      roles - The list of role models.
      detectedPatterns - The detected pattern.
      minFrequency - The minimum frequency threshold.
      maxFrequency - The maximum frequency threshold.
    • generateObjectColors

      @NotNull public static @NotNull Map<String,String> generateObjectColors(List<String> containerIds)
    • emptyCell

      protected static <T> void emptyCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem)
    • disabledCell

      protected static <T> void disabledCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem)
    • negativeDisabledCell

      protected static <T> void negativeDisabledCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem)
    • positiveDisabledCell

      protected static <T> void positiveDisabledCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem)
    • relationCell

      protected static <T> void relationCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem)
    • reducedDuplicateCell

      protected static <T> void reducedDuplicateCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem, Set<String> duplicatedElements)
    • reducedCell

      protected static <T> void reducedCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem, String color, Set<String> duplicatedElements)
    • additionalDuplicateCell

      protected static <T> void additionalDuplicateCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem, Set<String> duplicatedElements)
    • additionalCell

      protected static <T> void additionalCell(@NotNull @NotNull String componentId, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item<<T>> cellItem, String color, Set<String> duplicatedElements)
    • getCssIconClass

      protected static String getCssIconClass()
    • getCssIconColorClass

      protected static String getCssIconColorClass()