Interface ResourceObjectProcessingContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultSingleShadowInboundsProcessingContextImpl, ResourceObjectProcessingContextImpl, SynchronizationContext, SynchronizationContext.Complete

@Experimental public interface ResourceObjectProcessingContext
A context generally useful for the manipulation of a shadow, e.g. correlation or synchronization. We use it to avoid repeating the contained data throughout various "context" classes (SynchronizationContext, CorrelationContext, ...).
  • Method Details

    • getShadowLikeValue

      @NotNull @NotNull ShadowLikeValue getShadowLikeValue()
      Returns shadowed resource object, or - at least - so-called "combined object" in the sense used in ResourceObjectClassifier FIXME
    • getShadowIfPresent

      @Nullable default @Nullable ShadowType getShadowIfPresent()
    • getShadowRequired

      @NotNull default @NotNull ShadowType getShadowRequired()
    • getResourceObjectDelta

      @Nullable @Nullable ObjectDelta<ShadowType> getResourceObjectDelta()
      This is always the sync delta (if not null).
    • getResource

      @NotNull @NotNull ResourceType getResource()
    • getSystemConfiguration

      @Nullable @Nullable SystemConfigurationType getSystemConfiguration()
    • getChannel

      @Nullable @Nullable String getChannel()
      Returns the channel relevant to the current operation. It may be a channel from ResourceObjectShadowChangeDescription or from a task.
    • getTask

      @NotNull @NotNull Task getTask()
    • createVariablesMap

      @NotNull default @NotNull VariablesMap createVariablesMap()
      Returns VariablesMap relevant for the current context.
    • createDefaultVariablesMap

      @NotNull default @NotNull VariablesMap createDefaultVariablesMap()
      To be used in implementations of createVariablesMap().