Class ExpandedMiningStructure

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExpandedMiningStructure extends BasePrepareAction
This class is responsible for preparing the expanded structure for role analysis in the Midpoint system. It creates data structures used in the analysis process, such as users and roles data for further processing.
  • Constructor Details

    • ExpandedMiningStructure

      public ExpandedMiningStructure()
  • Method Details

    • executeOperation

      public MiningOperationChunk executeOperation(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisService roleAnalysisService, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, boolean fullProcess, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProcessModeType mode, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @Nullable @Nullable DisplayValueOption option)
    • prepareRoleBasedStructure

      @NotNull public @NotNull MiningOperationChunk prepareRoleBasedStructure(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisService roleAnalysisService, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProgressIncrement handler, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @Nullable @Nullable DisplayValueOption option)
      Description copied from interface: MiningStructure
      This method prepares a role-based structure for mining operations.
      roleAnalysisService - The role analysis service.
      cluster - The cluster representing a group of roles.
      handler - The progress handler for role analysis.
      task - The task associated with the operation.
      result - The result object for tracking the operation's outcome.
      A MiningOperationChunk containing user and role chunks for further processing.
    • prepareUserBasedStructure

      @NotNull public @NotNull MiningOperationChunk prepareUserBasedStructure(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisService roleAnalysisService, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProgressIncrement handler, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result, @Nullable @Nullable DisplayValueOption option)
      Description copied from interface: MiningStructure
      This method prepares a user-based structure for mining operations.
      roleAnalysisService - The role analysis service.
      cluster - The cluster representing a group of roles.
      handler - The progress handler for role analysis.
      task - The task associated with the operation.
      result - The result object for tracking the operation's outcome.
      A MiningOperationChunk containing user and role chunks for further processing.
    • preparePartialRoleBasedStructure

      @NotNull public @NotNull MiningOperationChunk preparePartialRoleBasedStructure(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisService roleAnalysisService, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProgressIncrement handler, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Description copied from interface: MiningStructure
      Prepares a partial role-based structure for mining operations based on the provided parameters. This method is used for partial role analysis where is not nessessary to process all roles like in GUI. It prepares user chunk (MiningUserTypeChunk) structure for role analysis. Role chunk (MiningRoleTypeChunk) structure is empty array.
      roleAnalysisService - The role analysis service.
      cluster - The cluster representing a group of roles for analysis.
      handler - The progress handler for monitoring role analysis.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The result object for tracking the operation's outcome.
      A MiningOperationChunk containing mining information about user chunk (MiningUserTypeChunk).
    • preparePartialUserBasedStructure

      @NotNull public @NotNull MiningOperationChunk preparePartialUserBasedStructure(@NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisService roleAnalysisService, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisClusterType cluster, @NotNull @NotNull RoleAnalysisProgressIncrement handler, @NotNull @NotNull Task task, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result)
      Description copied from interface: MiningStructure
      Prepares a partial user-based structure for mining operations based on the provided parameters. This method is used for partial user analysis where is not nessessary to process all users like in GUI. It prepares role chunk (MiningRoleTypeChunk) structure for role analysis. User chunk (MiningUserTypeChunk) structure is empty array.
      roleAnalysisService - The role analysis service.
      cluster - The cluster representing a group of roles for analysis.
      handler - The progress handler for monitoring role analysis.
      task - The task associated with this operation.
      result - The result object for tracking the operation's outcome.
      A MiningOperationChunk containing mining information about role chunk (MiningRoleTypeChunk).