
public class RbacGeneratorUtils extends Object
Utility methods for generating rbac data.

Part of RBAC Testing Data, which provides testing data for role mining and other RBAC-related processes.

  • Constructor Details

    • RbacGeneratorUtils

      public RbacGeneratorUtils()
  • Method Details

    • getRandomLocationBusinessRole

      @NotNull protected static InitialObjectsDefinition.LocationInitialBusinessRole getRandomLocationBusinessRole()
      Retrieves a randomly selected location business role.
      The randomly selected location business role.
    • getRandomPlanktonRole

      @NotNull protected static InitialObjectsDefinition.PlanktonApplicationBusinessAbstractRole getRandomPlanktonRole()
      Retrieves a randomly selected plankton abstract role.
      The randomly selected plankton abstract role.
    • getRandomNoiseRole

      @NotNull protected static InitialObjectsDefinition.NoiseApplicationBusinessAbstractRole getRandomNoiseRole()
    • getRandomPlanktonRoles

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull List<InitialObjectsDefinition.PlanktonApplicationBusinessAbstractRole> getRandomPlanktonRoles(int minRoles, GeneratorOptions generatorOptions)
      Retrieves a list of randomly selected plankton abstract roles.
      minRoles - The minimum number of roles to select.
      generatorOptions - The generator options to consider.
      A list of randomly selected plankton abstract roles.
    • getRandomPlanktonRoles

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull List<InitialObjectsDefinition.PlanktonApplicationBusinessAbstractRole> getRandomPlanktonRoles(int minRoles, int maxRoles, GeneratorOptions generatorOptions)
    • getRandomPlanktonRoles

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull List<InitialObjectsDefinition.PlanktonApplicationBusinessAbstractRole> getRandomPlanktonRoles(int minRoles)
    • getRandomNoiseRoles

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull List<InitialObjectsDefinition.NoiseApplicationBusinessAbstractRole> getRandomNoiseRoles(int minRoles)
    • getRandomlyJobTitlesWithNone

      @NotNull public static @NotNull String getRandomlyJobTitlesWithNone()
      Retrieves a randomly selected job title from the provided list, including an empty string.
      The randomly selected job title.
    • getRandomlyJobTitles

      @NotNull public static @NotNull String getRandomlyJobTitles()
      Retrieves a randomly selected job title from the provided list, excluding an empty string.
      The randomly selected job title.
    • createOrgAssignment

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull AssignmentType createOrgAssignment(@NotNull @NotNull String oid)
      Creates an assignment of type OrgType with the provided OID.
      oid - The OID of the organization.
      The created assignment.
    • createRoleAssignment

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull AssignmentType createRoleAssignment(@NotNull @NotNull String oid)
      Creates an assignment of type RoleType with the provided OID.
      oid - The OID of the role object.
      The created assignment.
    • setUpArchetypeUser

      public static void setUpArchetypeUser(@NotNull @NotNull UserType user, @NotNull @NotNull String archetypeOid)
      Creates an assignment of type ArchetypeType with the provided OID.
      user - The user for which to create the assignment.
      archetypeOid - The OID of the archetype object.
    • getBusinessRolesOidAssignment

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull List<PrismObject<RoleType>> getBusinessRolesOidAssignment(@NotNull @NotNull AssignmentHolderType object, @NotNull @NotNull RepositoryService repository, @NotNull @NotNull OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException
      Retrieves a list of PrismObjects representing business RoleType assignments for the specified AssignmentHolderType.
      object - The AssignmentHolderType for which to retrieve business role assignments.
      repository - The RepositoryService used to retrieve objects from the repository.
      result - The OperationResult to track the operation's result.
      A list of PrismObjects representing the business RoleType assignments.
      SchemaException - If an error related to schema occurs.
      ObjectNotFoundException - If an object cannot be found in the repository.
    • loadNamesFromCSV

      @NotNull protected static @NotNull Set<String> loadNamesFromCSV(@NotNull @NotNull String csvPath) throws IOException
      Loads names from a CSV file located at the specified path.

      NOTE: names are expected to be in the column with the specified header at "name" value.

      csvPath - The path to the CSV file.
      A set containing the loaded names.
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs while reading the CSV file.
    • getRandomAuxWithChance

      public static @Nullable InitialObjectsDefinition.AuxInitialBusinessRole getRandomAuxWithChance(@NotNull InitialObjectsDefinition.AuxInitialBusinessRole auxRole, int chance)
      Retrieves aux role with a chance specified chance.
      auxRole - The business role to consider.
      chance - The chance of the role being returned.
      The randomly selected location business role.
    • isForgetRole

      public static boolean isForgetRole(int chance)
      Determines whether a role should be forgotten based on a given chance. The chance is a percentage value between 0 and 100. A random number between 0 and 100 is generated and if it's less than the given chance, the method returns true.
      chance - The chance (percentage) of forgetting a role.
      True if the role should be forgotten, false otherwise.
    • getAdditionNoiseRole

      @Nullable public static @Nullable RoleType getAdditionNoiseRole(int chance)
      Retrieves an additional noise role based on a given chance. The chance is a percentage value between 0 and 100. A random number between 0 and 100 is generated and if it's less than the given chance, a noise role is selected randomly from the list of noise roles. If the chance condition is not met or there are no noise roles, the method returns null.
      chance - The chance (percentage) of getting an additional noise role.
      A RoleType object representing the additional noise role, or null if no role is selected.
    • isCandidate

      public static boolean isCandidate(int chance)
    • getProbabilityPoint

      public static int getProbabilityPoint()