Uses of Package
Supports the definitions of activities and their various aspects:
- work,
- distribution,
- control flow,
- reporting,
- ...
Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Evolveum and contributors
This work is dual-licensed under the Apache License 2.0
and European Union Public License.
ClassDescriptionJava class for OrderDirectionType.TODO
ClassDescriptionParameters limiting the number of returned entries, offset, etc.TODO
ClassDescriptionParameters limiting the number of returned entries, offset, etc.TODO
ClassDescriptionJava class for FilterType complex type.Java class for LogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.Java class for NAryLogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.Java class for OrderDirectionType.Parameters limiting the number of returned entries, offset, etc.Java class for PropertyComplexValueFilterType complex type.Java class for PropertyNoValueFilterType complex type.Java class for PropertySimpleValueFilterType complex type.TODOJava class for UnaryLogicalOperatorFilterType complex type.Java class for UriFilterType complex type.Java class for ValueType complex type.