Class FocalMappingEvaluationRequest<MT extends MappingType,OO extends ObjectType>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ShortDumpable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssignedFocusMappingEvaluationRequest, AutoassignRoleMappingEvaluationRequest, TemplateMappingEvaluationRequest

public abstract class FocalMappingEvaluationRequest<MT extends MappingType,OO extends ObjectType> extends Object implements ShortDumpable, Serializable
Contains some of the information necessary to evaluate a mapping. It is used when mappings are collected e.g. from template and its referenced sub-templates, auto-assigned roles, or (in the future) assignments. Each of these mappings need to go along some minimal context (e.g. the holding template, role, or assignment path) that is to be used when mapping is evaluated.
See Also: