Interface TypeDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • getCompileTimeClass

        Class<?> getCompileTimeClass()
        Returns compile-time class, if this type has any. For example, UserType.class, ObjectType.class, ExtensionType.class.
      • getSuperType

        QName getSuperType()
        Name of super type of this complex type definition. E.g. c:ObjectType is a super type for c:FocusType which is a super type for c:UserType. Or (more complex example) ri:ShadowAttributesType is a super type of ri:AccountObjectClass. (TODO is this really true?)
      • getStaticSubTypes

        Collection<TypeDefinition> getStaticSubTypes()
        Subtypes - but only these that are a part of the static schema. A little bit experimental. :)
      • getInstantiationOrder

        Integer getInstantiationOrder()
      • canRepresent

        boolean canRepresent​(QName typeName)
      • isAssignableFrom

        default boolean isAssignableFrom​(TypeDefinition other,
                                         SchemaRegistry registry)
        True if variables of this type can be assigned value of specified other type, i.e. if this type is equal or supertype of the other type.