Class ArrayPathItemFilterProcessor<T,​E>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - type of value in schema
    E - type of element in DB (can be the same as `T`)
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    FilterProcessor<PropertyValueFilter<T>>, RightHandProcessor

    public class ArrayPathItemFilterProcessor<T,​E>
    extends SinglePathItemFilterProcessor<T,​com.querydsl.core.types.dsl.ArrayPath<E[],​E>>
    Filter processor for multi-value property represented by single array column. These paths support only value equality (of any value), which is "contains" in DB terminology. Our filter "contains" (meaning substring) is *not* supported.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayPathItemFilterProcessor

        public ArrayPathItemFilterProcessor​(SqlQueryContext<?,​Q,​R> context,
                                            Function<Q,​com.querydsl.core.types.dsl.ArrayPath<E[],​E>> rootToPath,
                                            String dbType,
                                            Class<E> elementType,
                                            @Nullable Function<T,​E> conversionFunction)
        Creates filter processor for array column.
        dbType - name of the type for element in DB (without []) for the cast part of the condition
        elementType - class of ArrayPathItemFilterProcessor necessary for array creation
        conversionFunction - optional conversion function, can be null if no conversion is necessary