Class QObjectReference<OR extends MObject>

    • Constructor Detail

      • QObjectReference

        public QObjectReference​(String variable,
                                String tableName)
      • QObjectReference

        public QObjectReference​(String variable,
                                String schema,
                                String table)
    • Method Detail

      • isOwnedBy

        public com.querydsl.core.types.dsl.BooleanExpression isOwnedBy​(OR ownerRow)
        Description copied from interface: QOwnedBy
        Returns predicate for where clause that matches only rows owned by the provided owner. Owner row is immediate owner, so if the containers are nested, it is the owning container, not the top-level owning object.
        Specified by:
        isOwnedBy in interface QOwnedBy<OR extends MObject>
        isOwnedBy in class QReference<MReference,​OR extends MObject>