Class PropertyDeltaImpl<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ItemDelta<PrismPropertyValue<T>,PrismPropertyDefinition<T>>, PropertyDelta<T>, Freezable, Itemable, PathVisitable, PrismContextSensitive, Visitable, DebugDumpable, Foreachable<PrismPropertyValue<T>>, Serializable

public class PropertyDeltaImpl<T> extends ItemDeltaImpl<PrismPropertyValue<T>,PrismPropertyDefinition<T>> implements PropertyDelta<T>
Relative difference (delta) of a property values.

This class describes what values are to be added, removed or replaced in the property. The delta can be either add+delete or replace, but not both. It either describes what values to add and delete from the property (add+delete) or what is the new set of values (replace). Add+delete deltas can be merged without a loss. There are ideal for multi-value properties. If replace deltas are merged, only the last value will be present. These are better suited for single-value properties.

Radovan Semancik
See Also: