Interface ObjectPaging

All Superinterfaces:
DebugDumpable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ObjectPaging extends DebugDumpable, Serializable
  • Method Details

    • getPrimaryOrderingDirection

      OrderDirection getPrimaryOrderingDirection()
    • getPrimaryOrderingPath

      ItemPath getPrimaryOrderingPath()
    • getPrimaryOrdering

      ObjectOrdering getPrimaryOrdering()
    • getOrderingInstructions

      List<? extends ObjectOrdering> getOrderingInstructions()
    • hasOrdering

      boolean hasOrdering()
    • setOrdering

      void setOrdering(ItemPath orderBy, OrderDirection direction)
    • hasCookie

      boolean hasCookie()
    • addOrderingInstruction

      void addOrderingInstruction(ItemPath orderBy, OrderDirection direction)
    • setOrdering

      void setOrdering(ObjectOrdering... orderings)
    • setOrdering

      void setOrdering(Collection<? extends ObjectOrdering> orderings)
    • getOffset

      Integer getOffset()
    • setOffset

      void setOffset(Integer offset)
    • getMaxSize

      Integer getMaxSize()
    • setMaxSize

      void setMaxSize(Integer maxSize)
    • getCookie

      String getCookie()
      Returns the paging cookie. The paging cookie is used for optimization of paged searches. The presence of the cookie may allow the data store to correlate queries and associate them with the same server-side context. This may allow the data store to reuse the same pre-computed data. We want this as the sorted and paged searches may be quite expensive. It is expected that the cookie returned from the search will be passed back in the options when the next page of the same search is requested. It is OK to initialize a search without any cookie. If the datastore utilizes a re-usable context it will return a cookie in a search response.
    • setCookie

      void setCookie(String cookie)
      Sets paging cookie. The paging cookie is used for optimization of paged searches. The presence of the cookie may allow the data store to correlate queries and associate them with the same server-side context. This may allow the data store to reuse the same pre-computed data. We want this as the sorted and paged searches may be quite expensive. It is expected that the cookie returned from the search will be passed back in the options when the next page of the same search is requested. It is OK to initialize a search without any cookie. If the datastore utilizes a re-usable context it will return a cookie in a search response.
    • clone

      ObjectPaging clone()
    • equals

      boolean equals(Object o, boolean exact)