Class QReferenceMapping<Q extends QReference<R,OR>,R extends MReference,OQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<OR>,OR>

Type Parameters:
Q - type of entity path for the reference table
R - row type related to the QReferenceMapping
OQ - query type of the reference owner
OR - row type of the reference owner (related to QReferenceMapping)
All Implemented Interfaces:
QOwnedByMapping<ObjectReferenceType,R,OR>, SqaleMappingMixin<ObjectReferenceType,Q,R>
Direct Known Subclasses:
QAccessCertificationWorkItemReferenceMapping, QAssignmentReferenceMapping, QCaseWorkItemReferenceMapping, QObjectReferenceMapping, QProcessedObjectEventMarkReferenceMapping

public class QReferenceMapping<Q extends QReference<R,OR>,R extends MReference,OQ extends FlexibleRelationalPathBase<OR>,OR> extends SqaleTableMapping<ObjectReferenceType,Q,R> implements QOwnedByMapping<ObjectReferenceType,R,OR>
Base mapping between QReference subclasses and ObjectReferenceType. See subtypes for mapping instances for specific tables and see MReferenceType as well.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • QReferenceMapping

      protected QReferenceMapping(String tableName, String defaultAliasName, Class<Q> queryType, @NotNull @NotNull SqaleRepoContext repositoryContext, @NotNull @NotNull Supplier<QueryTableMapping<?,TQ,TR>> targetMappingSupplier)
    • QReferenceMapping

      protected QReferenceMapping(String tableName, String defaultAliasName, Class<Q> queryType, @NotNull @NotNull SqaleRepoContext repositoryContext, @NotNull @NotNull Supplier<QueryTableMapping<?,TQ,TR>> targetMappingSupplier, @Nullable @Nullable Supplier<QueryTableMapping<OS,OQ,OR>> ownerMappingSupplier, @Nullable @Nullable BiFunction<Q,OQ,com.querydsl.core.types.Predicate> ownerJoin, @Nullable @Nullable Class<?> ownerType, @Nullable @Nullable ItemPath referencePath)
      Constructor with owner related parameters to support reference search.
      Type Parameters:
      OS - reference owner schema type, needed only for safer typing in the constructor
      TQ - type of target entity path
      TR - row type related to the QReferenceMapping
      queryType - Querydsl query type related to this mapping
      targetMappingSupplier - supplier of the query mapping for the reference target
      ownerMappingSupplier - optional supplier for reference owner, needed for .. (parent) resolution and support of reference search
      ownerJoin - JOIN function for parent resolution
      ownerType - needed for registration for reference search later; this cannot be taken from the ownerMappingSupplier yet, because the supplier may still return null at this moment
      referencePath - item path to the reference in the owner
  • Method Details