All Implemented Interfaces:
Containerable, Freezable, ContainerablePrismBinding, JaxbVisitable, Objectable, DebugDumpable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class LookupTableType extends AssignmentHolderType implements Objectable
An object that represents lookup table. The lookup table can be used for two purposes: value enumerations (e.g. for GUI or validation) and value mapping (translation). The same lookup table can serve both purposes at the same time. The content of the lookup table can be used as enumeration. E.g. the labels for each table row can be displayed in the user interface. When a particular label is selected then the associated key will be stored. Similar approach can be used for validation, e.g. when only a selected set of values is legal for a certain property. In this case the "key" and "label" columns are used. The content of the lookup table can also be used for value mapping. E.g. in cases when input value needs to be mapped to the output value. In this case the "key" and "value" columns are used. Even though the lookup table is represented as a prism object, it is designed to be stored and queried efficiently. Therefore the contents of the lookup table will be stored in a specialized table tuned for this purpose. This data type is not designed to be used with the usual midPoint query mechanism (e.g. searchObjects operation). Specialized operations are used to efficiently query the lookup tables. The prism representation (e.g. XML) of the lookup tables is used only for backup, restore, migrations, upgrades and similar purposes.
See Also: