Class SystemFeatures

All Implemented Interfaces:
DebugDumpable, Serializable

public class SystemFeatures extends Object implements Serializable, DebugDumpable
The system features related to the subscription handling. Used e.g. to determine if we run in the production mode. Or if we use a generic production database.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • error

      public static SystemFeatures error()
      Fallback values to be used in the case of an error.
    • isPublicHttpsUrlPatternDefined

      public boolean isPublicHttpsUrlPatternDefined()
      Does the public HTTP URL pattern use secure (https) protocol?
    • isRemoteHostAddressHeaderDefined

      public boolean isRemoteHostAddressHeaderDefined()
      Is a header that defines the remote host (like `X-Forwarded-For`) defined? It indicates the use of a proxy.
    • isCustomLoggingDefined

      public boolean isCustomLoggingDefined()
      Custom logging currently means "using an appender other than the file-based one".
    • areRealNotificationsEnabled

      public boolean areRealNotificationsEnabled()
      Are there SMTP or SMS notifications configured, without being redirected to a file?
    • isClusteringEnabled

      public boolean isClusteringEnabled()
      Is the clustering enabled in the task manager configuration?
    • isGenericNonH2DatabaseUsed

      public boolean isGenericNonH2DatabaseUsed()
      Are we using the generic repo (other than H2)?
    • debugDump

      public String debugDump(int indent)
      Specified by:
      debugDump in interface DebugDumpable
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object