Class LocalActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,BS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExecutionSupport, DebugDumpable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractCompositeActivityRun, CleanupPartialActivityRun, IterativeActivityRun

public abstract class LocalActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,BS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> extends AbstractActivityRun<WD,AH,BS>
The "real" run of an activity - i.e. not a delegation nor a distribution. Responsibilities at this level of abstraction: 1. records run start/stop + item progress in the tree state overview, 2. records run start/stop in the item processing statistics (run records), 3. updates progress information (clears uncommitted on start).