Class EmbeddedContainerDeltaProcessor<T extends Containerable>

Type Parameters:
T - type of the processed container (target)
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EmbeddedContainerDeltaProcessor<T extends Containerable> extends ItemDeltaSingleValueProcessor<T>
Delta processor for whole embedded single-value containers. While the single value is PCV and is complex, the ItemDeltaSingleValueProcessor.process(<?, ?>) high-level implementation still works, but the details are more complex and implemented here.
  • Constructor Details

    • EmbeddedContainerDeltaProcessor

      public EmbeddedContainerDeltaProcessor(SqaleUpdateContext<OS,OQ,OR> context, SqaleNestedMapping<T,OQ,OR> nestedMapping)
      Constructs the delta processor, here we care about type match for parameters, later we don't.
      Type Parameters:
      OS - schema type of the owner of the embedded container
      OQ - query type of the owner entity
      OR - type of the owner row
  • Method Details