Class ResourceObjectIdentification<I extends ResourceObjectIdentifiers>

All Implemented Interfaces:
DebugDumpable, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ResourceObjectIdentification.SecondaryOnly, ResourceObjectIdentification.WithPrimary

public abstract class ResourceObjectIdentification<I extends ResourceObjectIdentifiers> extends Object implements Serializable, DebugDumpable, Cloneable
Identification of a resource object using its primary and/or secondary identifiers. For facilitating type safety (mainly) across APIs, we provide two specific subclasses: ResourceObjectIdentification.WithPrimary and ResourceObjectIdentification.SecondaryOnly. NOTE: Making this class parameterized by the type of identifiers (primary-containing or secondary-only) may or may not be a good idea. It makes the implementation nicer, but the clients are bothered with additional `<?>` in the code. To be reconsidered.
See Also: