Class LocalCacheObjectValue<T extends ObjectType>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LocalCacheObjectValue<T extends ObjectType> extends Object implements CachedObjectValue<T>
  • Method Details

    • getObject

      @NotNull public @NotNull PrismObject<T> getObject()
      Specified by:
      getObject in interface CachedObjectValue<T extends ObjectType>
    • isComplete

      public boolean isComplete()
      Description copied from interface: CachedObjectValue
      Is this object complete, i.e., are there no incomplete items in it? This is a very simple mechanism to allow resolving operations with "include" options from the cache. We assume that if a cached object is complete, then it's safe to return it from the cache regardless of any "include" or "exclude" retrieval options that might be in place. Note that we assume that the object was retrieved WITHOUT any "exclude" options. (Such excluded items are not marked as incomplete.)
      Specified by:
      isComplete in interface CachedObjectValue<T extends ObjectType>
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object