Interface AssociatedPolicyRule

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, DebugDumpable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:

@Experimental public interface AssociatedPolicyRule extends DebugDumpable, Serializable, Cloneable
EvaluatedPolicyRule that is associated to given EvaluatedAssignment, either as "own" (i.e. directly evaluated and triggered on) or as "foreign" (triggered on another assignment but connected to this one, typically because of an exclusion constraint). The purpose of this class is to provide the necessary functionality when such rules are returned by EvaluatedAssignment.getAllAssociatedPolicyRules() method. Important things to consider: . The exclusion constraints on foreign policy rules are just as they are triggered on their original assignments. It means that exclusion triggers on them point to the current assigment as EvaluatedExclusionTrigger.conflictingTarget, and to original one as EvaluatedExclusionRequirementTrigger.thisTarget. See also EvaluatedExclusionTrigger.getRealConflictingAssignment(EvaluatedAssignment). . Also note that not all triggers on the original policy rule are relevant to this (new) assignment. For example, if a role `coordinator` excludes all roles of type `worker`, and has appropriate policy rule on it, then when you are assigning `worker-1` and `worker-2`, both get this policy rule (with 2 triggers) as a foreign rule. However, only one trigger is relevant for each of the workers. Hence, use appropriate method to select relevant triggers, e.g. getRelevantExclusionTriggers() or EvaluatedPolicyRuleTrigger.isRelevantForNewOwner(EvaluatedAssignment).
  • Method Details

    • getPolicyRuleIdentifier

      @NotNull @NotNull String getPolicyRuleIdentifier()
      Automatically generated identifier that - we hope - uniquely identifies the policy rule.
    • isTriggered

      boolean isTriggered()
      Was this rule triggered, i.e. are there any triggers? We do not distinguish between relevant and irrelevant triggers here, as foreign rules should have always some triggers, so this is always `true` for them.
    • isEvaluated

      boolean isEvaluated()
    • containsEnabledAction

      boolean containsEnabledAction(Class<? extends PolicyActionType> type)
      Are there any enabled actions of given type?
    • getEnabledAction

      @Nullable <T extends PolicyActionType> @Nullable PolicyActionConfigItem<T> getEnabledAction(Class<T> type)
      Returns enabled action of given type, if there's any. Throws an exception if there are more of them.
    • getEnabledActions

      @NotNull <T extends PolicyActionType> @NotNull List<? extends PolicyActionConfigItem<T>> getEnabledActions(Class<T> type)
      Returns all enabled actions of given type.
    • getRelevantExclusionTriggers

      @NotNull @NotNull Collection<EvaluatedExclusionTrigger> getRelevantExclusionTriggers()
      Returns exclusion triggers without ones that are not relevant for given "new owner" (see class javadoc).
    • toShortString

      String toShortString()
      Returns short, (more or less) user-level characterization of this object.
    • getNewOwner

      @Nullable @Nullable EvaluatedAssignment getNewOwner()
      Returns new owner (for foreign rules) or `null` (for original ones).
    • getEvaluatedPolicyRule

      @NotNull @NotNull EvaluatedPolicyRule getEvaluatedPolicyRule()
      Returns the original policy rule.
    • getNewOwnerShortString

      default String getNewOwnerShortString()
    • getPolicySituation

      @Nullable @Nullable String getPolicySituation()
      Returns the policy situation connected to this rule. Will be replaced by object marks.
    • getPolicyMarkRef

      @NotNull @NotNull List<ObjectReferenceType> getPolicyMarkRef()
    • addToEvaluatedPolicyRuleBeans

      void addToEvaluatedPolicyRuleBeans(@NotNull @NotNull Collection<EvaluatedPolicyRuleType> ruleBeans, @NotNull @NotNull PolicyRuleExternalizationOptions options, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<EvaluatedPolicyRuleTrigger<?>> triggerSelector, @Nullable @Nullable EvaluatedAssignment newOwner)
      Serializes the policy rule into bean form (EvaluatedPolicyRuleType). Currently not very nice contract, should be improved later.
      ruleBeans - Collection of beans into which to put the result.
      options - Options - how the serialization should take place.
      triggerSelector - Which triggers should be processed?
      newOwner - If set, we should ignore triggers not relevant for this evaluated assignment.
    • addTrigger

      void addTrigger(@NotNull @NotNull EvaluatedPolicyRuleTrigger<?> trigger)
      Adds a trigger to the policy rule. For internal use only.
    • getTriggeredRulesCount

      static int getTriggeredRulesCount(Collection<? extends AssociatedPolicyRule> policyRules)
    • contains

      static boolean contains(List<? extends AssociatedPolicyRule> rules, AssociatedPolicyRule otherRule)