Package com.evolveum.midpoint.prism
Interface Definition
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
,VW> ObjectDefinitionDelegator<O>
,D, RV, SA> ShadowAttributesComplexTypeDefinition
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface Definition
extends PrismPresentationDefinition, PrismLifecycleDefinition, Serializable, DebugDumpable, Revivable, Cloneable, Freezable, SmartVisitable<Definition>
Common interface to access all definitions.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic interface
static interface
An interface that provides an ability to modify a definition.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismLifecycleDefinition
PrismLifecycleDefinition.Data, PrismLifecycleDefinition.Delegable, PrismLifecycleDefinition.Mutable
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismPresentationDefinition
PrismPresentationDefinition.Data, PrismPresentationDefinition.Delegable, PrismPresentationDefinition.Mutable
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DebugDumpable
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault void
@NotNull Definition
default String
(int indent, IdentityHashMap<Definition, Object> seen) <A> A
(QName qname) Returns generic definition annotation.Returns all annotations, as unmodifiable map.@Nullable String
@Nullable ItemMerger
(@NotNull MergeStrategy strategy, @Nullable OriginMarker originMarker) default String
@Nullable NaturalKeyDefinition
@Nullable SchemaContextDefinition
Returns a compile-time class that is used to represent items.@NotNull QName
Returns a name of the type for this definition.boolean
For types: is the type abstract so that it should not be instantiated directly? For items: TODOboolean
Elaborate items are complicated data structure that may deviate from normal principles of the system.boolean
Marks item that could be ignored by SCM tools (e.g.boolean
This means that this particular definition (of an item or of a type) is part of the runtime schema, e.g.mutator()
Returns an interface to mutate this definition.Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DebugDumpable
debugDump, debugDump, debugDumpLazily, debugDumpLazily
Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.Freezable
checkImmutable, checkMutable, freeze, isImmutable
Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismLifecycleDefinition
getDeprecatedSince, getPlannedRemoval, getRemovedSince, getSchemaMigrations, isDeprecated, isExperimental, isRemoved
Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismPresentationDefinition
getDiagrams, getDisplayHint, getDisplayName, getDisplayOrder, getDocumentation, getDocumentationPreview, getHelp, isEmphasized
Methods inherited from interface com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.SmartVisitable
Method Details
Returns a name of the type for this definition. The type can be part of the compile-time schema or it can be defined at run time. Examples of the former case are types like c:UserType, xsd:string, or even flexible ones like c:ExtensionType or c:ShadowAttributesType. Examples of the latter case are types used in - custom extensions, like ext:LocationsType (where ext = e.g., - resource schema, like ri:inetOrgPerson (ri = http://.../resource/instance-3), - connector schema, like TODO In XML representation that corresponds to the name of the XSD type. Although beware, the run-time types do not have statically defined structure. And the resource and connector-related types may even represent different kinds of objects within different contexts (e.g. two distinct resources both with ri:AccountObjectClass types). Also note that for complex type definitions, the type name serves as a unique identifier. On the other hand, for item definitions, it is just one of its attributes; primary key is item name in that case. The type name should be fully qualified. (TODO reconsider this)- Returns:
- the type name
boolean isRuntimeSchema()This means that this particular definition (of an item or of a type) is part of the runtime schema, e.g. extension schema, resource schema or connector schema or something like that. I.e. it is not defined statically. -
boolean isAbstract()For types: is the type abstract so that it should not be instantiated directly? For items: TODO -
boolean isOptionalCleanup()Marks item that could be ignored by SCM tools (e.g. Git), or removed before commit. -
boolean isElaborate()Elaborate items are complicated data structure that may deviate from normal principles of the system. For example elaborate items may not be supported in user interface and may only be manageable by raw edits or a special-purpose tools. Elaborate items may be not fully supported by authorizations, schema tools and so on. -
Class<?> getTypeClass()Returns a compile-time class that is used to represent items. E.g. returns String, Integer, subclasses of Objectable and Containerable and so on. -
Returns generic definition annotation. Annotations are a method to extend schema definitions. This may be annotation stored in the schema definition file (e.g. XSD) or it may be a dynamic annotation determined at run-time. Annotation value should be a prism-supported object. E.g. a prims "bean" (JAXB annotated class), prism item, prism value or something like that. EXPERIMENTAL. Hic sunt leones. This may change at any moment. Note: annotations are only partially supported now (3.8). They are somehow transient. E.g. they are not serialized to XSD schema definitions (yet). -
Returns all annotations, as unmodifiable map. Nullable by design, to avoid creating lots of empty maps. -
@Nullable @Nullable ItemMerger getMergerInstance(@NotNull @NotNull MergeStrategy strategy, @Nullable @Nullable OriginMarker originMarker) -
Definition.DefinitionMutator mutator()Returns an interface to mutate this definition. -
default void checkMutableOnExposing()