Class FinalValueDeltaProcessor<T>

Type Parameters:
T - expected type of the real value for the modification (after optional conversion)
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayItemDeltaProcessor, CountItemDeltaProcessor, JsonbPolysItemDeltaProcessor

public abstract class FinalValueDeltaProcessor<T> extends ItemDeltaValueProcessor<T>
Common delta processor logic for storing based on the final value of the property. When the delta processor is run, the modification has been already applied to the prism object. This is typically used for storing multi-value item in a single column. This may not be efficient when the amount of values is too big, but it has to be really big to be of consequence (my wild guess is 100-1000 can be still OK). Subclasses have to implement ItemDeltaValueProcessor.setRealValues(Collection) and ItemDeltaValueProcessor.delete() methods.