Class CorrelationCaseDescription<F extends FocusType>

All Implemented Interfaces:
DebugDumpable, Serializable

public class CorrelationCaseDescription<F extends FocusType> extends Object implements DebugDumpable, Serializable
Describes a correlation case, typically when it's going to be presented to the user. Need not be connected to actual CaseType object. The term "case" is used more figuratively here, to describe a correlation situation that is going to be resolved. Contains the object being correlated (currently called preFocus) and the correlation candidates (candidates). The correlation data are represented as a set of correlationPropertiesDefinitions, whose values on the source are to be fetched directly from preFocus, but the valued for candidates are processed into the form of CorrelationCaseDescription.CorrelationPropertyValuesDescription: - sorted out into "primary" and "secondary" values (corresponding to the main identity and alternative ones), - and providing a CorrelationCaseDescription.Match value that shows the degree of match between the particular candidate and the pre-focus on this particular property. Optionally, there may be a CorrelationExplanation object for each correlation candidate. (If requested.)
See Also: