Class ShadowAssociationTypeDefinitionType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Containerable, Freezable, com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.binding.ContainerablePrismBinding, DebugDumpable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class ShadowAssociationTypeDefinitionType extends com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.binding.AbstractMutableContainerable
Definition of a high-level (logical) association type. Such an association binds together a subject and 0, 1, or more objects. Some examples: Simple group membership: This is an association between objects (users, printers, computers, groups, org units, and so on) and groups. Each object can belong to 0-N groups, and each group can have 0-N members. There are no additional attributes related to the membership itself. Complex group membership: Likewise, this is an association between objects and groups, but each association value can have some attributes, like the time validity. Access rights: This is an association between principals (e.g., users) and objects (e.g., documents), where each association value has an attribute describing the access level (reader, writer, admin, ...). Employment contracts: An association connecting physical persons and organizational units; optionally it can also embrace other entities, like cost centers, job positions, and so on, if they are represented as separate objects on the resource. In its most extreme form, a contract can have no objects, just a subject (person). An association type can be defined over either native or simulated (physical) shadow reference. Legacy simulated associations are not supported by association types.
See Also: