Class AbstractMappingBuilder<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>,MBT extends AbstractMappingType,RT extends AbstractMappingBuilder<V,D,MBT,RT>>

Direct Known Subclasses:
MappingBuilder, MetadataMappingBuilder

public abstract class AbstractMappingBuilder<V extends PrismValue,D extends ItemDefinition<?>,MBT extends AbstractMappingType,RT extends AbstractMappingBuilder<V,D,MBT,RT>> extends Object
Builder is used to construct a configuration of Mapping object, which - after building - becomes immutable. In order to provide backward-compatibility with existing use of Mapping object, the builder has also traditional setter methods. Both setters and "builder-style" methods MODIFY existing Builder object (i.e. they do not create a new one). TODO decide on which style of setters to keep (setters vs builder-style).