Class CredentialPolicyEvaluator<R extends AbstractCredentialType,P extends CredentialPolicyType,F extends FocusType>

Direct Known Subclasses:
NoncePolicyEvaluator, PasswordPolicyEvaluator, SecurityQuestionsPolicyEvaluator

public abstract class CredentialPolicyEvaluator<R extends AbstractCredentialType,P extends CredentialPolicyType,F extends FocusType> extends Object
Processor for evaluating credential policies. This class is processing the credential-related settings of security policy: credential lifetime, history and so on. Specific responsibilities: 1) Validates the operation (add, modify) with regards to security policies. 2) Emits secondary deltas related to changes being executed (e.g. password history, metadata, etc). This class is supposed to be quite generic. It should be able to operate on all credential types. This class does NOT directly deal with details of value policies, validation and generation. That task is delegated to ValuePolicyProcessor.
mamut, katkav, semancik