Interface DefinitionFeature<V,DB,XC,SD>

Type Parameters:
V - type for value of the feature (Boolean, String, or more complex type)
DB - definition builder (or mutable definition) object to which it's applicable when parsing
XC - source XSOM object that this feature can be parsed from; Object means XSComponent or XSAnnotation
SD - serializable definition object to which it's applicable when serializing
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationBasedFeature, DefinitionFeature.DefaultImpl

public interface DefinitionFeature<V,DB,XC,SD>
An identifiable feature of a item or type definition. Currently, it supports parsing and sometimes also serialization. For parsing, it knows: . How to be parsed from XSOM (via DefinitionFeatureParser). . How to be applied to the definition object or builder (via setterMethod()). For serialization: . How to be taken from the definition (via DefinitionFeature.DefaultImpl.getterMethod) . How to be put into XSD DOM (via serializer()). Work in progress.