Class AbstractCompositeActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType>

Type Parameters:
WD - Type of work definition.
AH - Type of activity handler.
WS - Type of the work state.
All Implemented Interfaces:
ExecutionSupport, DebugDumpable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CompositeActivityRun, ReconciliationActivityRun

public abstract class AbstractCompositeActivityRun<WD extends WorkDefinition,AH extends ActivityHandler<WD,AH>,WS extends AbstractActivityWorkStateType> extends LocalActivityRun<WD,AH,WS>
Run of a set of child activities. These can be fixed, semi-fixed or custom. Responsibilities: 1. create and initialize all child runs, 2. execute children, honoring the control flow definition (this is not implemented yet!), 3. derive composite run result from partial (children) run results. Note: Do not extend this class by subclassing unless really necessary.