Class SinglePathItemFilterProcessor<T,P extends com.querydsl.core.types.Path<?>>

Type Parameters:
T - type parameter of processed PropertyValueFilter
P - type of the Querydsl path
All Implemented Interfaces:
FilterProcessor<PropertyValueFilter<T>>, RightHandProcessor
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayPathItemFilterProcessor, AuditPropertiesItemFilterProcessor, CanonicalItemPathItemFilterProcessor, EnumItemFilterProcessor, EnumOrdinalItemFilterProcessor, JsonbPolysPathItemFilterProcessor, SimpleItemFilterProcessor, TimestampItemFilterProcessor, TypeQNameItemFilterProcessor, UriItemFilterProcessor, UuidItemFilterProcessor

public abstract class SinglePathItemFilterProcessor<T,P extends com.querydsl.core.types.Path<?>> extends ItemValueFilterProcessor<PropertyValueFilter<T>>
Item filter processor related to one table column represented by the path. The path is typically obtained from query context using the provided mapping function. The same function is also called "primary mapping" and used for ordering (if possible). Single-path does not mean single value - although normally used for single-value properties, multi-values can be represented in DB by array or JSOBN columns too.