Class SearchResultMetadata

All Implemented Interfaces:
Freezable, DebugDumpable, ShortDumpable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class SearchResultMetadata extends AbstractFreezable implements Serializable, DebugDumpable, ShortDumpable, Cloneable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SearchResultMetadata

      public SearchResultMetadata()
  • Method Details

    • getPagingCookie

      public String getPagingCookie()
      Returns the paging cookie. The paging cookie is used for optimization of paged searches. The presence of the cookie may allow the data store to correlate queries and associate them with the same server-side context. This may allow the data store to reuse the same pre-computed data. We want this as the sorted and paged searches may be quite expensive. It is expected that the cookie returned from the search will be passed back in the options when the next page of the same search is requested.
    • setPagingCookie

      public void setPagingCookie(String pagingCookie)
      Sets paging cookie. The paging cookie is used for optimization of paged searches. The presence of the cookie may allow the data store to correlate queries and associate them with the same server-side context. This may allow the data store to reuse the same pre-computed data. We want this as the sorted and paged searches may be quite expensive. It is expected that the cookie returned from the search will be passed back in the options when the next page of the same search is requested.
    • pagingCookie

      public SearchResultMetadata pagingCookie(String pagingCookie)
    • getApproxNumberOfAllResults

      public Integer getApproxNumberOfAllResults()
      Returns the approximate number of all results that would be returned for the filter if there was no paging limitation. This property is optional and it is informational only. The implementation should return it only if it is extremely cheap to get the information (e.g. if it is part of the response anyway). The number may be approximate. The intended use of this value is to optimize presentation of the data (e.g. to set approximate size of scroll bars, page counts, etc.)
    • setApproxNumberOfAllResults

      public void setApproxNumberOfAllResults(Integer approxNumberOfAllResults)
    • approxNumberOfAllResults

      public SearchResultMetadata approxNumberOfAllResults(Integer approxNumberOfAllResults)
    • isPartialResults

      public boolean isPartialResults()
      Flag indicating whether the search returned partial results. If set to false then all the results requested by the query were returned. If set to true then only some results requested by the query were returned.
    • setPartialResults

      public void setPartialResults(boolean partialResults)
    • partialResults

      public SearchResultMetadata partialResults(boolean partialResults)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • shortDump

      public void shortDump(StringBuilder sb)
      Description copied from interface: ShortDumpable
      Show the content of the object intended for diagnostics. This method is supposed to append a compact, human-readable output in a single line. Unlike toString() method, there is no requirement to identify the actual class or type of the object. It is assumed that the class/type will be obvious from the context in which the output is used.
      Specified by:
      shortDump in interface ShortDumpable
      sb - StringBuilder to which to a compact one-line content of the object intended for diagnostics by system administrator should be appended.
    • debugDump

      public String debugDump(int indent)
      Specified by:
      debugDump in interface DebugDumpable
    • clone

      public SearchResultMetadata clone()
      clone in class Object