Interface ShadowSimpleAttribute<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, DebugDumpable, Freezable, Item<PrismPropertyValue<T>,PrismPropertyDefinition<T>>, Itemable, ParentVisitable, PathVisitable, PrismProperty<T>, PrismVisitable, Revivable, Serializable, ShadowAttribute<PrismPropertyValue<T>,ShadowSimpleAttributeDefinition<T>,T,ShadowSimpleAttribute<T>>, ShortDumpable, Visitable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ShadowSimpleAttribute<T> extends PrismProperty<T>, ShadowAttribute<PrismPropertyValue<T>,ShadowSimpleAttributeDefinition<T>,T,ShadowSimpleAttribute<T>>
TODO update this doc Resource Object Attribute is a Property of Resource Object. All that applies to property applies also to attribute, e.g. only a whole attributes can be changed, they may be simple or complex types, they should be representable in XML, etc. In addition, attribute definition may have some annotations that suggest its purpose and use on the Resource. Resource Object Attribute understands resource-specific annotations such as native attribute name. Resource Object Attribute is mutable.
Radovan Semancik